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US President Joe Biden speaks at the’Equal Pay Day’ event to bridge the gender wage gap held in the Eisenhower administrative building of the White House on the 24th (local time). Washington/AP Yonhap News

On the 25th, North Korea launched an estimated ballistic missile into the East Sea, and US President Joe Biden faced North Korea’s challenge within two months of inauguration. The direction of North Korea-US relations in the early stages of the new administration is expected to be greatly affected by how President Biden responds to North Korea calling on the stage. The US government did not give any specific reaction to the news of North Korea’s missile launch delivered on the night of the 24th from the US perspective. Neither President Biden nor the White House nor the State Department had public comments. Only the US Indo-Pacific Command, which is in charge of the Korean Peninsula, said in a spokesman’s comment, “We are aware that North Korea launched a missile into the East Sea this morning. Revealed. The command added, “This act highlights the threat posed by North Korea’s illegal weapons program to its neighboring countries and the international community.” The day before, President Biden responded that it was insignificant immediately after it was revealed through the news that North Korea launched two cruise missiles on the west coast on the 21st. When asked if reporters thought the North Korean missile launch was a real provocation, President Biden said, “No. According to the Ministry of Defense, that’s the same thing as usual,” he said. “There are no new wrinkles from what they did.” A US government official also said that North Korea’s launch of cruise missiles is one of the usual activities, and lowered the meaning that it does not violate the resolution of the UN Security Council. Meanwhile, he reaffirmed his willingness to talk with North Korea. US officials have said that it is important to avoid rising tensions with North Korea as much as possible until the North Korean policy is complete. But within one day, North Korea, as if the United States seemed to be, shot a ballistic missile projectile into the East Sea. A US government official told (NBC) that it is very likely that what North Korea shot was a’short-range ballistic missile’. If the ballistic missile is correct, it will be difficult for the Biden administration to pretend to not know. North Korea’s launch of ballistic missiles violates the resolution of the UN Security Council. In the US politics and in the international community, voices may be raised calling for a strong response, claiming that it is a violation of the resolution of the UN Security Council. However, if the North Korean missile turns out to be a short-range that does not fall inside Japan’s exclusive economic zone, the US will have some room to adjust the response level. President Biden’s reaction to the launch is likely to come from a press conference scheduled for the morning of the 26th (afternoon of the 25th Washington time). It is the first official press conference after taking office last week, regardless of North Korea, but questions and answers about North Korea are expected to come and go. During the last presidential election, President Biden criticized North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as “a bully,” but after taking office, he has saved stimulating comments about Chairman Kim and North Korea. Interest is focused on whether he will continue to maintain the prudence he has shown so far or whether to break it and change his attitude in either direction. It is also noteworthy that the North Korean missile launch will have an impact on the policy toward North Korea, which the Biden administration has said is nearing completion. First of all, it is highly probable that the United States was assuming the possibility of North Korea’s armed provocation in the early stages of the new administration, so this launch alone does not seem to shake the direction of the North Korean policy that has been reviewed. However, if the three countries disagree greatly in the discussions between the three countries’ heads of security in Washington next week on North Korea policy, the policy may be affected or the time to completion may be delayed. Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has already strongly opposed the launch, saying, “It violates the UN resolution.” Correspondent for Washington/Hwang Jun-beom [email protected]

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