“Intent to murder”… Dreadful content written in the report by Jeong-in written by a medical organization

Yang Mo Jang is accused of abusing Jung In (left) and causing his death. /SBS. Jang SNS

According to an analysis by doctors, the mother-in-law Yang, who is accused of abusing Jeong In, who is 16 months old, and causing her death,’is likely to have intentionally applied a large external force to the ship’s level due to a traffic accident.’

According to the Seoul Newspaper on the 8th, the Korean Pediatrics and Adolescents Association (Socheongdo Medical Association) wrote this opinion on the 5th based on Jeong In-i’s autopsy report and medical thesis related to child abuse at the request of the prosecution for advice. The opinion was structured in a way that the Prosecutor’s Office answered each question.

Earlier, the prosecution announced the results of the investigation earlier last month. △ A video of Jung In-i on the day of his death (October 13, last year) △ A statement from a neighbor that heard a’thump’ sound △ A stepmother’s mother-in-law and other outsiders entered the crime scene Based on the fact that there was no trace, Jang said it was judged that he caused death by inflicting a strong impact on Jung In-i’s back.

Even though Jung In-yi’s official cause was also abdominal damage due to a pancreas cut, Jang stated in the prosecution investigation that “Jung In was angry because he did not eat, so he hit Jung In-i’s belly with his hand, lifted him up, shaken it, and dropped it.” .

The Socheong Medical Association asked,’How can the pancreas be amputated when there is no fracture in the spine?’, “It is estimated that the blunt force was applied strongly from the front (abdomen) to the back (back), leading to an amputation of the pancreas. “I replied.

The mother-in-law of wool is accused of abusing adopted Jeong In-yi and causing her death. /News 1

In addition, “(Jung In’s) findings of subcutaneous hemorrhage (bruise) on the back of the back are unlikely to be directly related to the gluteal force, which is the direct cause of pancreatic amputation,” he said. “The estimated price area is not protected by the ribs. It will be the upper abdomen (between the Myeongchi and the navel),” he explained.

“The order in which the external force is transmitted is the abdominal wall (belly) → mesentery (membrane that protects the organs) → large intestine → small intestine → pancreas → posterior abdominal wall (back waist) → spine.” “It is very rare to damage the pancreas because of the external force at the end.”

In particular, it is a typical case suggested by many medical papers as the cause of pancreatic injury.△ A car-to-car (car-to-car) accident that crashes at high speed △ When a car hits a person in a traffic accident and impacts the abdomen △ The degree to which the stomach is pressed deeply by the handle of the bicycle He stressed that the impact of △fall from a height other than the usual height △the price of the belly part hard with fists or feet.

The Socheong Medical Association said, “It is difficult to know the specific circumstances of the attack, but it is clear that the perpetrator inflicted a large impact on the victim, as much as the impact on the ship due to a traffic accident, regardless of the method used.”

In addition, “From the autopsy findings and the objective basis of many medical papers, the defendant (Mr. Jang) at the time of the assault must have had a clear intention of killing the victim (Jeong In-i), or at least recognized the possibility of the victim’s death due to the assault. “I looked out.

However, Jang consistently insists that he has never been abused enough to break a bone. However, he is in a position to admit fractures caused by corporal punishment when the child does not listen to himself.
