Instagram prevents DM between unknown adults and teenagers

Instagram, added safety features for teenagers (Photo = Instagram)
Instagram, added safety features for teenagers (Photo = Instagram)

Instagram has released a new feature’Safety Guide’ to protect teenage users safely within the platform.

Instagram announced through its blog on the 16th (local time) that it has introduced a’safety guide’ function that prohibits messages between adults and adolescents and restricts adults who show suspicious behavior.

‘Safety Guide’ is a system that can block or report an adult sending messages to teens. Inform youth users to “be careful not to share photos, videos, or information with strangers” for viewing.

In addition, when an adult user discovers suspicious behavior, a notice is sent.

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Chuhoo Instagram plans to encourage teens who have created accounts to change their profiles to private.

The Instagram side said, “We plan to prevent the content of youth users from being exposed as recommended posts on the’Look around’ or’Release’ tabs of adult users with suspicious activity records such as being repeatedly blocked by multiple users. “We will add more enhanced youth protection features, such as preventing these adults from leaving comments on the public accounts of youth users.”
