“Insist on unlocking money, is it Huh Gyeongsang’s party?”… 野 Sleeping dragons attack Lee Jae-myeong

Former Congressman Seung-min Yoo and Jeju Governor Won Hee-ryong. Newsis

Opposition officials mentioned as potential presidential candidates attacked Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung, who criticized the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, citing the’group suicide society’.

On the 24th, former Congressman Seung-min Yoo of People’s Power pointed out on his Facebook page on the 24th that “If you look at Lee’s usual arguments, all policies are’loose money’.” Rep. Yoo said, “Whether in Gyeonggi-do or across the country, we insist on releasing money, saying,’Let’s do it all together.’ This governor’s basic income, basic housing, and basic loan are also money-releasing policies. He pointed out.

Earlier the day before, Governor Lee posted a post on Facebook entitled’Financial soundness without countermeasures in a collective suicide society’, arguing that “it is not good to write less unconditionally while shouting for financial soundness.” ‘Collective Suicide Society’ is an expression used by IMF President Christine Lagarde, who visited Korea in 2017, saying that the low birth rate in Korea leads to a decrease in growth rate and deterioration in fiscal soundness.

Rep. Yoo said, “This governor’s policy is closer to the Justice Party or the National Revolutionary Party (CEO Heo Kyung-yeong) than the Democratic Party,” he said. “However, the Justice Party clearly states the tax increase, but this governor is income tax, corporate tax, and VAT. It is closer to the National Revolutionary Party since there is no explanation for the major tax increases,” he added.

He added, “A policy that only uses the people’s blood tax is an easy policy that anyone can do,” he said. “It is more difficult and important to come up with a solution to how our economy can make money, not just freeing and spending money.” The governor should know.”

Rep. Yoo also said, “The Governor’s attitude of threatening the Deputy Prime Minister to release money is cowardly. If you want to say that the government’s economic policy is wrong, please speak up to President Moon Jae-in, who is in charge of the administration who appointed the Deputy Prime Minister. “I urged.

Jeju Governor Won Hee-ryong said on Facebook on the same day, “This governor accused the financial soundness of neglecting’group suicide’. That’s not a discussion, but a threat.” This genocide,” he said, “it was not only Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki or Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun. He also attacked President Moon Jae-in as a command line to refute the neglect of genocide.”

Governor Won continued, “Just because Governor Lee disperses 100,000 won as local currency indiscriminately as soon as he opens his mouth, it does not prevent mass suicide. For the purpose of preventing mass suicide, the damage is large and it is tailored to people in limited situations. We must provide effective support,” he said. In addition, Governor Won emphasized, “I can never agree with a frame in which the people are viewed as a tool to increase the population, or the low birth rate problem is driven by the people’s tragic choice of mass suicide.”

Kim So-yeon reporter

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