Inflation continues to be low in January as well… Agricultural and livestock prices are high (complementary)

[세종=이데일리 이명철 기자] Even last month, the rise in consumer prices remained at the 0% level, continuing the low price trend. In the aftermath of the third spread of Corona 19, the rise in service sectors such as dining out has slowed and prices of industrial products and electricity and gas have fallen. However, as the price of agricultural and livestock products such as vegetables and meat continues to rise, the perceived price burden on consumers is still large.

Citizens shop at a large supermarket vegetable section in Seocho-gu, Seoul. (Photo = Yonhap News)

According to the consumer price trend announced by the National Statistical Office on the 2nd, the consumer price index last month was 105.79, an increase of 0.6% from the same month last year. The consumer price index has risen to 0% for the fourth month since October last year.

Source prices (excluding agricultural products and petroleum products), which indicate the key trend of inflation, rose 0.9%, recording the same increase as the previous month. Source prices (excluding food and energy) based on the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) rose 0.4%, down 0.1 percentage points from the previous month.

Among the consumer price survey items, the price of living, consisting of items that are sensitive to price fluctuations due to the high frequency of purchase and the proportion of expenditures, has increased by 0.3% and has turned positive after 4 months since September last year. Items other than food rose 1.6%, but food prices rose 3.8%, raising the perceived price.

Fresh foods with large price fluctuations according to weather conditions rose 9.2%. Fresh foods surged 21.5% in September of last year, and then continued to increase by double digits for four consecutive months until December. Fresh fruits rose 20.5%, and fresh fish (fish and seafood, 3.6%) and fresh vegetables (3.0%) also maintained an uptrend.

The self-residing cost inclusion index, including the cost of paying for services obtained by using one’s own home for residential purposes, rose 0.7%.

(Image = Statistics Korea)

By purpose of expenditure, food and non-alcoholic beverages rose 6.5%, and other goods and services (2.0%), household goods and housekeeping services (1.2%), health care (1.0%), and food and lodging (0.9%) rose.

Education (-2.9%), transportation (-2.9%), communication (-1.3%), and entertainment and culture (-0.8%) declined. It is interpreted that the price of related services has also decreased as the spread of Corona 19 continues and outings have decreased.

By item quality, products rose 0.9% and service 0.4%, respectively. Among the products, agricultural and livestock products rose 10.0%, recording an increase of 10% again in two months since last November (11.1%). Agricultural products including vegetables rose 11.2% and livestock products 11.5%. In industrial products, petroleum products (-8.6%) fell sharply, down 0.6%. Electricity, water and gas also fell by 5.0%.

Among the services, rent rose 0.7%. Personal service rose 1.5%, but dining out (0.5%) rose only to the 0% level. Public services fell 2.1%.

By major item, the price of agricultural and livestock products is remarkable. Green onions surged 76.9%, onions surged 60.3%, and apples (45.5%) and red pepper powder (34.4%) showed a high rise. Pork increased by 18.0% and domestic beef by 10.0%, respectively. Chinese cabbage (-36.6%), radish (-35.3%), and tomatoes (-8.8%) declined.

Among industrial products, functional cosmetics rose 7.2% and imported passenger cars 2.6%, respectively, while gasoline (-8.0%), diesel (-11.2%), kerosene (-10.5%), and large passenger cars (-1.7%) fell.

City gas and electricity bills fell 10.3% and 2.1%, respectively, and among the rents, the jeonse rose 1.0% and the monthly rent rose 0.4%, respectively.

High school payments fell 93.3% due to free education among public services, and outpatient medical expenses and international airfare rose 1.8% and 8.0%, respectively. Among individual services, apartment management fees (6.7%), insurance service fees (8.1%), junior high school student academy fees (1.8%), etc. have risen. %) and so on.

(Image = Statistics Korea)
