Infidelity abuse vs privacy… Katok multipropyl reaction pole and pole

“I think there will be more impersonation, fraud, and infidelity…Why do you put in unwanted features?”
“My boss and parents noticed, so I haven’t been able to change Psa, but it’s useful.”

As KakaoTalk Multi-Profile, which can be set differently for each contact, was launched on a trial on the 28th, users are showing various reactions.

Kakao launched a service that allows users who installed the Kakao Talk wallet the day before to set their own profile (text, photos) according to their conversation partners. In addition to the default profile, you can create up to 3 profiles.

Some users are concerned that the multi-profile setting function will be exploited in inappropriate situations such as infidelity or fraud. This is because the other party cannot know whether to set up a multi-profile.

One user said, “If the scammers make up their minds, a double life will be possible,” and “there will be more cases of abuse.” Another user said, “I think there will be more people who cheat because of multi-profiles,” and “I wish the indication of multi-profile users appeared.”

In addition, in online communities, “impersonation will become easier”, “there will be more cases where people deceive and distance from one another”, “I think I’ve been multiplied, and I think I’ll feel bad,” Phishing and identity washing will also increase, “I’d rather put a function to know who saw Psa”, “I don’t want it, but why do I put it at will?”

Kakao Multi-Profile.  Image = courtesy of Kakao

Kakao Multi-Profile. Image = courtesy of Kakao

However, there are many positive responses, saying that it can prevent unnecessary exposure to private life.

A 20-year-old office worker said, “I set up a profile with a common picture without being noticed by my co-workers and boss, but I like the features I want.” Another 30-year-old office worker also said, “I was stressed out with various points about my personal profile, but it is nice to have a multi-profile developed.”

A teacher in her thirties who is working at an elementary school said, “I haven’t changed my profile picture for more than a year because of the perspective of my parents, but now it’s nice to be able to upload the picture I want. This is a useful feature for people who have jobs dealing with parents, such as daycare centers or academy instructors. “He said.

In addition, “I think it would be good if students should use a multi-profile for the department chat room or for contacting professors and make them look like good-looking students.” “It was uncomfortable for people to see my profile, but it’s great.”

Kakao announced that it applied the multi-profile function to KakaoTalk wallet users to prevent side effects such as’messenger phishing’, which tricks people into asking for money. KakaoTalk wallet can only be signed up with a mobile phone in the name of the person.

An official from KakaoTalk said, “We have prepared a safety device in a way that provides multi-profiles to KakaoTalk wallet users who have passed the first identity verification.” “Basically, multi-profiles can only be used in a’friend’ relationship. When sending a message, it provides a’talk siren’ function.”

The Talk Siren function was introduced in November of last year as a service that informs you of cautions about money requests when an unregistered friend sends a message. The official added, “If someone steals your photo and uses it as a profile photo, you can use the customer center’Report Kakao Rights Infringement’.”

Joara, reporter of [email protected]
