Infection spread in workplaces, meetings, and welfare facilities… A total of 340 confirmed persons related to IM Mission

Outbreak of group infection in homeless facilities at Seoul Station

picture explanationOutbreak of group infection in homeless facilities at Seoul Station

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The’third pandemic’ of a new coronavirus infection in Korea (Corona 19) seemed to have somewhat subsided, but there are still large and small infections all over the country.

The number of cases of infection spreading through workplaces, family and acquaintances, churches, and taekwondo centers is lined up, and the number of confirmed cases related to facilities under the IM Mission where a large-scale group infection occurred.

According to the Central Defense Countermeasure Headquarters (Bang Dae-bon) on the 28th, confirmed cases were followed at work, family and acquaintance meetings, and welfare facilities in the metropolitan area.

In a workplace in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, six additional people were confirmed as confirmed during the contact investigation process, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases increased to 40.

In addition, 36 workers have been confirmed so far regarding the manufacturing industry in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province, and 10 people have been confirmed in two workplaces since the 23rd regarding family and workplaces in the same region.

In the case of family and acquaintances in Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, since the 24th, family members, acquaintances, other contacts and pub-related people have been confirmed one after another, and a total of 22 people have been infected so far.

To date, 21 and 28 confirmed patients have been confirmed at welfare facilities in Jung-gu, Seoul and day care centers in Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi Province, respectively.

In addition, in the non-capital area, the cumulative number of confirmed cases related to nursing hospitals in Geumjeong-gu, Busan increased to 56.

Long line at Gwangju City Hall Square Screening Office

picture explanationLong line at Gwangju City Hall Square Screening Office

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The number of confirmed cases related to facilities under the IM Mission has been counted as 340 so far.

According to Bang Dae-bon, as a result of examining 1,954 subjects in 40 related facilities in 11 cities and provinces nationwide, 340 people were confirmed at 6 facilities in 5 provinces including Gyeonggi, Daejeon, Gwangju, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam. It was counted.

In the non-metropolitan area, 176 people from the headquarters of IM Mission in Daejeon, 153 people in the case of connecting the Gwangju Buk-gu Church and TCS Ace International School, and Gwangsan-gu TCS International School, 6 non-approved alternative educational facilities in Bethlehem, Yangsan, Gyeongsang Province, and 3 Handa Research Institutes in Ulsan, came out. In the metropolitan area, two people were tested positive at an unapproved alternative education facility in Anseong, Gyeonggi Province.

Shinto group infection...  Gwangju Antioch Church total inspection

picture explanationShinto group infection… Gwangju Antioch Church total inspection

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In the non-metropolitan area, a number of new cases of group infection have emerged.

First of all, 23 people have been added to Antioch Church, a large church in western Gwangju, since the first patient came out on the 25th. Of the 24 cumulative confirmed cases, 20 church members, 2 acquaintances, 1 family member, and 1 other contact.

The quarantine authorities estimate that the infection spread during the Sunday worship service held on the 24th, but the exact route of infection has not been confirmed, so it is in a state of thorough investigation.

At a Taekwondo venue in Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, after the first patient came out on the 26th, a bunch of 32 people were confirmed during the investigation of the contact person. Of the total 33 students, 23 academy students including indicator patients, 2 workers, 7 family members, and 1 acquaintance.

In the case of a chicken processing company in Chungju-si and Gimje-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, 34 additional people were tested positive while investigating contacts after the first patient occurred the day before. Of the 35 cumulative confirmed cases, 23 employees in Chungju city and 12 employees in Gimje city.

In the case of the anti-transport union in the Gamcheon branch in Busan, after the first patient came out on the 25th, a total investigation was conducted on 300 union members, and 25 additional were confirmed. Of the cumulative 26, 20 workers including indicator patients, 5 family members, and 1 acquaintance.

[그래픽]  New confirmed cases of Corona 19 in Korea

picture explanation[그래픽] New confirmed cases of Corona 19 in Korea

Meanwhile, the proportion of patients who do not know when and where they were infected remained in the 20% range.

Of the 6,202 new confirmed cases reported to the quarantine authorities for the last two weeks from the 15th of this month to the same day, 1,382 are currently being investigated, accounting for 22.3% of the total.

This ratio has risen and fallen in the 20% range since the beginning of last month, when the’third pandemic’ began in earnest.


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