India’s Prime Minister Modi’s homegrown vaccine Inoculation starts even over the age of 60

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (70) received a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine developed by a local pharmaceutical company on the 1st.

India started with Prime Minister Modi on that day and started the second-stage vaccination for chronically ill patients aged 60 and over and over 45.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inoculates domestically developed vaccine on the 1st

picture explanationPrime Minister Narendra Modi inoculates domestically developed vaccine on the 1st

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Prime Minister Modi posted an appeal on Twitter that morning, saying, “I got the first vaccine,” and “I appeal to those who have been vaccinated. Let’s make India free from Corona 19.”

India is vaccinating two vaccines: AstraZeneca-Oxford Vaccine (Coby Shield) made by the local vaccine manufacturer Serum Institute (SII), and a native vaccine (co vaccine) developed by local pharmaceutical company Barat Biotech.

Among them, the self-developed co-vaccine was controversial as it was approved for emergency use without the completion of the phase 3 clinical trial, but the Indian government is in a position that there is no abnormality in efficacy.

So far, only 11% of those vaccinated in India have had a nasal vaccine, and the rest have chosen the AstraZeneca vaccine (Kobi Shield), Reuters reported.

The clinical results of the nose vaccine are expected to come out soon.

Prime Minister Modi, who has encouraged the use of all domestic products, received a nose vaccine that day.

Corona 19 Vaccination in India

picture explanationCorona 19 Vaccination in India

When the Indian government started the Corona 19 vaccination program on January 16, 10 million health care workers and 20 million workers in the quarantine front, including police, soldiers, and public officials, were set as top priority targets.

To date, 6.6 million health care workers have completed the first vaccination and 2.4 million have completed the second vaccination.

Of the quarantine front workers, only 5.1 million people have been inoculated so far.

From that day on, Indian authorities began vaccinating patients over 60 or over 45 with chronic comorbid diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

In particular, in order to speed up the vaccination method, it was changed not only to get the vaccination target free at government facilities, but also to pay Rs 250 (3,800 won) at 20,000 private medical facilities.

The Indian government plans to finish vaccinating 300 million people out of a population of 1.38 billion by August.

Cumulative 111.2 thousand confirmed cases of Corona 19 in India

picture explanationCumulative 111.2 thousand confirmed cases of Corona 19 in India

The quarantine experts are concerned, “As the number of confirmed cases decreased, the perception that the’worst situation is over’ spread, and more people hesitate to get the vaccine.”

The number of daily confirmed cases of Corona 19 in India reached 100,000 in September last year, but recently it has decreased to around 10,000 to 15,000.

Regarding this, some argue that “group immunity is being formed in India” and “Indians have different immunity,” but experts have not been able to provide a clear reason.

India’s corona 19 confirmed cases were added on the same day as 15,000,510, a cumulative 11112,000, and a cumulative 157,000 deaths.


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