Indian media “Indian and Chinese troops clash again at the border last week”… China’s wife (general)

Indian media such as India Today reported on the 25th that while India and China are in conflict over border issues, the two forces collided again and wounded.

Reportedly, the conflict took place last week near Nakura, the border region of Sikkim province in northern India.

An official from the authorities told India Today, “Last week, Indian troops blocked attempts by Chinese troops to invade beyond the borders of Nakura, and a conflict occurred in the process.”

An official added that 20 Chinese soldiers were injured in the crash, and four were injured in the Indian army.

Times of India also said, “There were injuries on both sides, but the situation is now under control.”

In response, the Indian military made a statement on this day and said, “There was a minor face-off in the Nakura area on the 20th,” and “but it was resolved by the commanders of both sides according to the established procedure.”

He then asked the media, “Do not overplay or exaggerate what is not true.”

The Indian military did not comment on the specific’confrontation’.

In response, Hu Si-jin, the editor-in-chief of China’s official Huangu Times News, denied reports from India.

“As far as I know, reports from the Indian media are basically false. There is no related record in the forward patrol log of the People’s Liberation Army,” he said. “If there was a friction that caused the injured, it would not have been reflected in the Chinese patrol log.”

“In addition, the military’s recent concern was the 9th corps leader-level talks,” he said. “No new border conflict has occurred.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Li Zhen said at a regular briefing on the day that “there is no information that can be provided on the specific situation.”

He said, “The Chinese troops are working hard to protect the peace and security of the border,” he said. “I urge India not to take any action that could complicate the situation.”

Sikkim Province, located between Nepal and Bhutan, is one of the main geopolitical points on the border between the two countries.

Tokara, north of Sikkim Province (Chinese name Donglang<洞朗>In 2017, Indian and Chinese troops faced armed forces for 73 days.

The two armed forces clashed one after another in the conflicting Ladakh region, including the battle between Pangong Lake and Sikkim in May last year, the ‘Clash of Clubs’ in Galwan Valley in June, and the use of firearms after 45 years.

In particular, India said that 20 of its own troops were killed in the conflict in Galwan Valley, and the Chinese side also reportedly incurred casualties.

India and China even fought war due to border issues in 1962, but they are facing each other by the Real Control Line (LAC) without establishing a borderline.

At present, the two armed forces have deployed additional tanks, missiles, and fighters as well as troops near the LAC, raising tensions.

In the midst of this, the two countries have made efforts to ease tensions by operating military and diplomatic channels several times, including military talks on the 24th, but there are no clear results yet.


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