Indian boy missing while swimming, found in the stomach of a crocodile

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Indian boy missing while swimming, found in the stomach of a crocodile

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Park Hyung-ki |
2021-03-06 08:43 sent | 2021-03-06 08:48 Last Modified

Local Journalist Daily Gompas Capture

An 8-year-old boy who disappeared while swimming in a river in Borneo was eventually found inside a crocodile boat.

According to the local newspaper Daily Gompas on the 5th, an 8-year-old boy who was swimming in a river in a village in Borneo on the 3rd was missing. The father and brother of the boy who were fishing at the time saw a crocodile dragging the child into the water, but they were helpless.

Authorities, receiving reports of disappearance, searched the river. On the 4th, the day after the disappearance, they found a crocodile 100m from the point where the child disappeared and anesthetized it. Afterwards, he pulled the crocodile into the river, split the boat, and took out the child’s body.

The search team leader explained, “The body found in the stomach of the crocodile was intact,” and “it is presumed that the crocodile swallowed it whole.”

This is a common occurrence on the island of Borneo. On January 14, another 8-year-old boy disappeared in a neighboring village after being eaten by a crocodile while taking a bath in a river. It is known that the boy’s body has not yet been found.

In late July of last year, a 14-year-old boy disappeared from a nearby village while catching a snail near the river. The boy was also found in the crocodile’s belly five days after his disappearance.

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