Independence Movement Demeaning Yoon Seo-in, Facebook Restricted for 30 Days

Yoon Seo-in, a cartoonist who caused controversy due to the demeaning of the independence activist, was subject to account restrictions on Facebook where he could not leave posts or comments.

On the 2nd, Yoon announced through her Instagram that she had been restricted from leaving posts or comments for 30 days from Facebook.

Cartoonist Yoon Seo-in announced on her Instagram that her Facebook account was restricted.

Cartoonist Yoon Seo-in announced on her Instagram that her Facebook account was restricted.

A Facebook official said, “I must have been informed of the reason for the suspension,” but Yun did not disclose the reason for the suspension of his account.

Facebook said, “There is an internal community standard, but unless there is a very specific or public purpose, we will not disclose it.”

Yoon has been controversial over and over again with disrespect for independence activists. On the 1st, after releasing excerpts of data related to verse 3 on Facebook, he said, “It is a non-violent movement for Japan, a violent movement among ourselves.” If you don’t, the organizers will set the house on fire and kill everything.” “The organizers of the March 1st Movement, who were more cruel than the Japanese patriots. Even if I was like me, I thought I would have participated hard.”

In addition, he visited the Gwangbok Hall and posted a meal of sushi eating at a Japanese restaurant in celebration of verse 3 and 1.

Cartoonist Yoon Seo-in YouTube Channel [사진 유튜브]

Cartoonist Yoon Seo-in YouTube Channel [사진 유튜브]

In January, he compared the descendants of economically relaxed pro-Japanese and those of needy independence activists and posted a post saying, “Actually, the so-called pro-Japanese were people who lived hard, and independence activists were people who lived roughly 100 years ago.” Caused.

Accordingly, descendants of independence merit have announced a large lawsuit against Yun. On the 24th of last month, the Liberation Society said, “The 249 descendants of the independence merit are insults and defamation of the independence merit in a lawsuit for alimony,” said “The amount of alimony claims is 249 million won.”

Reporter Lee Hae-jun [email protected]
