Incumbent Judge “Supreme Court Chief Must Apologize for Impeachment Prosecution and False Clarification”

(From left) Chief Justice Myung-soo Kim, Judge Lim Seong-geun, Chief Justice of the Busan High Court. © News 1

The incumbent judge criticized both Judge Im Seong-geun of Busan High Court and Chief Justice of Kim Myung-soo in connection with the impeachment proceedings of the Judicial Nongdan and the first judge in constitutional history. In particular, he urged Supreme Court Chief Kim to sincerely apologize and reflect on the controversy over the impeachment of the judge and the controversy over false explanations.

On the 14th, Suwon District Law Deputy Judge Song Seung-yong posted an article titled’Personal Opinion on Impeachment’ on a bulletin board inside the court.

Deputy Judge Song refuted Judge Lim’s claim that the motion of the National Assembly’s impeachment proceedings was due to impure political intent to undermine the entire judge, saying, “Judges should not remain uncontrolled, omnipotent powers, monitored by other powers. He refuted, “It was a practical confirmation of the great principle of democracy that must be checked.”

In addition, he said, “This impeachment prosecution originated from self-reflection in the society of judges,” he said. “It is in line with the purpose of the resolution of the National Judges Delegation, which reached a vote after fierce debate with about 100 judges from all over the country.”

“As some are concerned, if there is an attempt to curb impeachment on judges who have made a series of rulings that do not fit the taste of the recent regime, such a politically biased attempt will not only be difficult to obtain national consent, but also its democratic legitimacy. It will not be possible to secure it,” he added.

Deputy Judge Song said to Chief Justice Kim, “Some of the contents of the conversation between the Supreme Court Chief and Judge Seong-geun Lim and the false clarifications of the Supreme Court, which were disclosed ahead of the National Assembly’s impeachment ballot, are not prudent regardless of the circumstances or reasons, and the contents are appropriate. It deserves to be criticized for not doing it,” he pointed out.

He said, “It is the Chief Justice who brought the crisis of trust to himself,” he said. “The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court must seriously recognize the seriousness of the current situation and make a sincere apology to the people and all members of the judiciary.”

Deputy Judge Song said, “The apology should include reflection and regret for the first impeachment prosecution against the judges due to constitutional affairs,” he said. “Even though he was the former Supreme Court Chief Justice and infringing on the independence of the judges, appropriate disciplinary action, etc. It is the responsibility of the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that no action has been taken.”

In addition, by saying, “It should not be just an apology,” the series of processes were recorded and preserved, regardless of what conclusions will be drawn in each procedure such as impeachment trial, criminal trial, and disciplinary action, and He said, “We need to find out the causes and whereabouts of the judicial nongdan in the past and learn a historical lesson that such errors should not be repeated under thorough self-reflection.

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