‘Inappropriate physical contact, my behavior is unacceptable’… Kim Jong-cheol resigns (general)

Meet the victim and the perpetrator for a week to investigate the truth

Confidential investigation at the party level for the concern of the secondary abuse

“The more fearful thing is losing me”

“I sincerely apologize for the unexcused act”

On the 25th, former Justice Party CEO Kim Jong-cheol admitted to the fact that he had sexually harassed Rep. Jang Hye-young of the same party and resigned on the 25th, saying, “The victim was so hurt by my unforgivable harassment.

After acknowledging that Kim Jong-cheol, chairman of the Justice Party, sexually harassed the same party, Rep. Jang Hye-young, resigned from the party’s post on the 25th. /yunhap news

The Justice Party held an emergency press conference at the National Assembly on this day, saying, “I inform you and the people of the very embarrassing and terrible news,” and revealed the fact of the sexual harassment of CEO Kim. At a press conference, Vice President Bae Bok-ju, who was in charge of the Gender Human Rights Headquarters of the Justice Party, pointed out that “the victim of the sexual harassment case of the Justice Party leader Kim Jong-cheol on January 15th was Congressman Jang Hye-young, a member of the party’s parliament.” Vice President Bae said, “We investigated this case privately for a week from January 18th at the request of the victim, and reported it for the first time to the delegation meeting held today.” “In light of the seriousness of the sexual assault incident by the party’s representative, not anyone else, a heavy and severe discussion Went ahead and made a quick decision.”

He said, “CEO Jong-cheol Kim had a dinner in Yeouido on the evening of January 15 for an interview with Rep. Hye-young Jang, a member of the party’s parliament,” he said. There was an incident of sexual harassment.” “The victim, Rep. Jang Hye-young, informed me of the incident on January 18, as the head of the Gender Human Rights Headquarters, on January 18, and after that, conducted an investigation through several interviews with the victim and perpetrator.”

Vice President Bae emphasized, “This is an obvious sexual harassment case that has no room for controversy.” He pointed to the situation, “I can tell you that further investigations to confirm the facts are no longer necessary.”

Jang Hye-young, Justice Party Member / Kwon Wook

Rep. Jang wrote that through his social network service (SNS), “It is a way to restore human dignity and return to daily life, and (CEO Kim’s) sexual harassment.” Rep. Jang said, “The shock and pain of undermining my equal human dignity from the representative of our Party, whom I deeply trusted in my heart, was truly great. I had a belief that I would deal with the case with the attitude of “.

He said, “I am really afraid of the unreasonable secondary harm that will come to me by disclosing the facts of the damage,” he said. “But what is more fearful than that is losing myself. “If I live with the facts hidden forever by separating myself as a victim from myself as a member of the National Assembly and protecting the victims, I will be confined to this case forever.” “I want to talk about the pain I’ve been through and be truly free from this problem. That way, I want to return to my daily life of politics.”

Rep. Jang said, “I have been through countless sexual violence as a woman in Korean society since I was a teenager until now.” “I will fight with you (sexual violence victims) until the end. I will not hesitate to speak up and confront any violence. “We will break the bridle of sexual violence that has been persistent and will allow the next person to have a better future.”

Former Justice Party CEO Kim Jong-cheol is speaking at a delegation meeting held at the National Assembly on the 11th. /yunhap news

Through the written statement, former CEO Kim bowed his head, saying, “I deeply apologize to the party members and the people.” Regarding the sexual harassment incident on the 15th, he said, “This was a place I asked for.” “At the dinner, I mainly focused on my requests for the party’s future plans, the role of the legislator, and Jang’s political activities as an individual legislator. We shared opinions.” “While waiting for the car with me after the meal, I committed an overt sexual harassment by making inappropriate physical contact with the victim that the victim did not want and gave no consent at all.” “It was an act without excuses and the victim was seriously hurt. . I sincerely apologize to the victim again,” he said.

He said, “The victim complained about my harassment, and I apologized afterwards, but as a representative of the public party, I cannot just go over it.” He said, “I decided to discipline me in three ways. Delivered. First, I will withdraw from the party’s office, and second, I will complete sexual harassment and sexual violence prevention education. Third, I will receive severe disciplinary action from the party by suing myself to the current Justice Party Committee.”

“In the course of discussions with the victims afterwards, my abuse was a matter that took place in the public party, so the third responsibility is not to file a complaint with the current committee, but a direction to formally request severe disciplinary action from official organizations such as the party’s delegates meeting He said, “For this reason, we request severe disciplinary action against me from the Justice Party delegation and the current committee.” “The victim was very hurt by my unforgivable sexual harassment. In particular, the victim continued to show political trust in me, and I apologized, saying, “I apologize again,” saying, “I betrayed that trust and repaid my trust with betrayal.”

Kang Eun-mi, the chairman of the Justice Party, leaves the conference room after a closed party delegation meeting held at the National Assembly on the 25th. / Reporter Kwon Wook

The Justice Party, which represents the progressive camp in the institutional sector, faced the worst crisis after 9 years of its founding, as former CEO Kim resigned in disgrace due to shocking sexual misconduct. Excluding Vice President Bae, most of the leadership is reported to have heard of the sexual harassment incident at an emergency meeting that morning. The Justice Party shared the issues through the provincial and provincial party conferences and regional chairpersons conferences, and then again discussed future measures with the delegation centered around it. After the morning meeting, chief spokesman Ho-jin Jung met with the reporters, “Everyone was surprised and shocked. He said, “I will reflect and reflect on it. We will spare no effort to cut bones to create a gender-equal organizational culture.”

On this day, the leadership of the Justice Party, excluding some spokespersons, tried to fix the situation by avoiding contact with the media. Former CEO Kim also turned off his mobile phone, blocked external contact, and was said to be with his family. After the former CEO Kim announced his intention to resign, the Justice Party decided that Vice President Kim Yoon-ki would act as the representative. Chief Spokesperson Chung Ho-jin said at a briefing at the National Assembly, “a vacancy occurred due to the release and resignation of CEO Kim Jong-cheol.” “The delegation decided to act as deputy representative Kim Yun-ki in accordance with the party rules.” Accordingly, Vice-Chairman Kim will take over the party’s by-election as a substitute for the party’s retirement, and set out to rectify the party in chaos due to Kim’s unfortunate resignation. However, as eradication of sexual violence was a key agenda for Kim Jong-cheol’s leadership, inside and outside the party it is difficult to gauge the aftermath. It is said that it is the biggest crisis since its inception in October 2012 after the innovators who opposed the hegemony of the Unified Progressive Party and the North Korean sectarianism withdrew.
/ Reporter Jisu Kang [email protected]

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