In the US-China conflict, the “Swan of Death” stepped on Indian soil after 75 years

The B-1B, a US military strategic bomber, called the “Death Swan,” landed in India after 75 years.

Although it is nominally participating in the air show, it can be read as a strong message from the United States to China given the worsening conflict between the United States and China in the Asia Pacific region and the geopolitical role of India.

According to the US Indo-Pacific Command on the 7th, a B-1B bomber belonging to the Ellsworth Air Force Base participated in the Aero India air show held at the Bangalore base in India on the 3rd (local time).

The Indo-Pacific Command said on its website, “B-1B’Lancer’ and about 40 Air Forces participated in Aero India 2021 and showed long-range strike capability through real-time air demonstrations.”

Indo-Pacific Command said, “This is a historic moment”, saying, “A bomber from the United States has hit India for the first time in the history of the Republic of India.”

Indo-Pacific Command explained that it was the first time a US bomber had landed on India since October 1945, when India was under British control 75 years ago.

B-1B flew over India with Tejas fighters at an air show.

“This was the first time our bomber made a combined flight with the Indian Air Force,” said Lieutenant Colonel Michael Passler, who led the joint flight with the Indian Air Force. “Today was a very important moment in the US-India partnership.”

“The bomber’s participation in the air show demonstrates the strength of our partnership, our shared commitment to international security, and international order,” said US military delegation Lieutenant General Mark Weatherlington.

The United States and China are facing all-round conflict over the autonomy of Hong Kong, the democratic system of Taiwan, the controversy over the human rights of minorities in Xinjiang, China, the sovereignty of the South China Sea, and the unfair trade practices of China.

In this process, the United States sees India as a key partner in the Indo-Pacific strategy to contain China’s expansion of power in the region.

In particular, India is one of the’Quad’ (USA, Japan, Australia, India) countries, a security cooperation that the United States has formed to check China.

There have also been reports that the US administration, led by President Joe Biden, is promoting a quad summit to contain China’s maritime advances.

Aircraft carrier Roosevelt operating offshore in the South China Sea

picture explanationAircraft carrier Roosevelt operating offshore in the South China Sea

The United States recently moved the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Nimitz (CVN-68), which had been supporting the Central Forces Command, to contain Iran for more than nine months in the Middle East, to the Indo-Pacific region.

Accordingly, immediately after the establishment of the Biden administration, two nuclear-propelled carriers became active near the South China Sea.

It is evaluated that the Biden administration is a measure that demonstrates that China’s checks are a top priority in diplomatic and military policy in the Asia-Pacific region.

On the 5th, the 7th Fleet released the Aegis destroyer’John McCain’ sailing in the South China Sea along with photos on its website.

The Indo-Pacific Command also revealed that the nuclear-propelled submarine, Ohio, passed through Okinawa, Japan for joint training with the US Marines’ 3rd Expeditionary Force.


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