In the Corona era, catchers look for foreign pitchers videos

Park Se-hyuk
Doosan Park Se-hyuk. Reporter Choi Seung-seop [email protected]

[스포츠서울 최민우 기자] “Because the merger is delayed, the catcher has to prepare first.”

This season’s Spring Camp was also unable to avoid the aftermath of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19). In particular, the delay in joining of foreign players who influence their performance in the year is a big loss for the team. Foreign players are often delayed in entry due to Corona 19, and after a two-week self-isolation period, it is mid-February. You can begin training only after the 2nd camp has started. For pitchers, catching and breathing are very important, but even a short camp period, which is a month or so, is required by foreigners to self-isolate, leaving a regret. In fact, foreign pitchers are expected to take on the role of the first and second starting positions, so the catchers began to grasp the playstyle through the video.

Doosan foreign pitcher Walker Rocket. Source|Doosan Bears Official SNS

Doosan recruited Walker Rocket and Ariel Miranda after One-Two Punch, Raul Alcantara and Chris Plexen, who led the Korean series for six consecutive years last year, left. Rocket entered the country on the 30th of last month and Miranda on the 31st, the next day. Both players immediately went into self-isolation at a pension located in Hongcheon, Gangwon-do. Two weeks later, he plans to join Icheon Bears Park and conduct training. However, it is expected that it will take time to improve the physical condition of the players and to enhance the sense of practice.

Doosan foreign pitcher Ariel Miranda. Source|Doosan Bears Official SNS

For this reason, Doosan’s home maid Park Se-hyuk asked the power analysis team to video of Miranda and Rocket. Park Se-hyuk said, “Because the merger is delayed, the catcher must prepare first. Looking at the video, the rocket seemed to have good ball movement and good control. The power analysis team also evaluated that they could play long innings due to the small number of balls. Miranda also throws a powerful ball based on her height. He said that he was observing the players’ faces in detail, saying, “The ball of change was good and the decision ball looked good.”

Jaehoon Choi
Hanwha Choi Jaehoon. Provided|Hanwha

Hanwha Choi Jaehoon looked for the video as soon as the foreign player contract was signed. A comprehensive look at the ball and pitch of Nick Kingham and Ryan Carpenter. In addition, I consulted with Lee Jae-won, who had been working with batteries during the SK era. Fortunately, Hanwha was able to join foreign players from the first day of the spring camp. I started pitching the bullpen from the 3rd day of camp and started to match my breath.

In consideration of the delay in joining foreign players, the catchers also have their own countermeasures. Can the effort to move quickly become the foundation for good results this season?

[email protected]
