In fact, the National Assembly temple of the National Intelligence Service must be eradicated…

National Intelligence Service Chief Park Ji-won attended the general meeting of the Information Committee held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 16th and reported on the inspections of members of the National Assembly during the MB government. News 1

During the Lee Myung-bak administration, it was confirmed on the 16th that the National Intelligence Service’s National Intelligence Service’s inspections were organized beyond imagination. National Intelligence Service Chief Park Ji-won revealed the facts of some inspections in the National Assembly Intelligence Committee’s pending report that day, and suggested to the National Assembly to enact a special law to deal with the 60-year history of illegal inspections by the National Intelligence Service. In this situation, the ruling and opposition parties should be concentrating on establishing a legal basis for the NIS to investigate, disclose, and destroy information on the temple, not when considering the impact on the by-election. The NIS should also be reborn as an organization that processes temple data legally and does not engage in illegal inspections and political interventions again.

The facts of the MB government’s inspections revealed by the ruling and opposition officials of the National Assembly’s Intelligence Committee are surprising, although only a small part of them. The Blue House Civil Affairs Office handed over the data from the National Tax Service police to the National Intelligence Service, and the National Intelligence Service converted it into a database and updated it in the domestic information department, collected corruption information, and reported it according to the request of the Civil Affairs Office. Director Park revealed that the NIS had stopped collecting domestic information after the inauguration of the Moon Jae-in administration, suggesting the possibility that an inspection could have continued to the Park Geun-hye administration. It is an illegal inspection beyond the scope of the NIS, and it is a regressive incident in which the NIS inspected politicians at the institutional level after the illegal eavesdropping incident during the Kim Dae-jung administration.

The power of the people was initially regarded as an operation aimed at the preliminary candidate for the power of the people, Park Hyeong-jun, who ran for the Busan mayor’s by-election by the temple studio. However, it became clear that it was not such a simple event. Opposition lawmakers are also not free from damage to the temple.

It is a serious criminal behavior for the Blue House to conduct illegal inspections to monitor and suppress constitutional institutions representing the people by mobilizing intelligence agencies. The opposition parties must provide a legal basis for the NIS to review the data. The NIS should check the data of the temple to find out the truth, and also reveal whether any illegal wiretapping was followed in the process. Personal information collected without legal basis should be discarded and measures should be taken to prevent this from happening again.

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