‘Immune Lab’ Israel opens’here’ to vaccinators

Israel, which has been vaccinating against Corona 19 at a rapid pace and has become the world’s immunization laboratory, will start the second phase of return to daily routine from the 21st (hereinafter referred to as local time).

Local media reported that the Israeli government approved plans to resume operations or operations in some multi-use and commercial facilities that were closed due to a blockade at a ministerial meeting on the 15th (local time).

This measure takes into account the stabilization of various indicators such as the decrease in the number of new infected patients with Corona 19 and the infectious reproduction index due to rapid vaccination and containment measures.

Each doctor decided to normalize the operations of general stores, shopping malls, and traditional markets, as well as libraries and museums.

This facility will be made available to all citizens, whether or not vaccinated.

However, facilities such as health clubs, swimming pools, hotels, and sports and cultural events are only available to those who have been vaccinated and tested negative for COVID-19.

Religious facilities such as Confucian synagogues are also reopening.

However, religious establishments must limit the number of believers who can gather at one time to only 50% of the number of people who have been vaccinated, or to 10 indoors and 20 outdoors.

It is a policy that it is recommended to hold parties, etc., mainly for immediate family members who have been vaccinated, on Purim (26th), one of Israel’s biggest holidays.

However, the individual doctors have postponed the decision to allow the opening of school in an area where the infection rate is low.

On December 27, last year, when the number of confirmed cases surged due to the third corona 19 epidemic, Israel implemented an intermediate blockade, and then increased the level of blockade and extended the blockade four times.

Israel has been vaccinating at the fastest rate in the world with strong containment measures.

To date, the number of people who have completed the first vaccination of the vaccine is 3.95 million, over 40% of the total population (about 9.3 million), and 2.57 million have completed the second vaccination.

Among these, the number of newly infected patients has been remarkably decreased, and indicators such as the positive rate to the number of tests and the reproductive index have also stabilized.

The number of new corona19 daily confirmed cases is showing a remarkable decrease from 610 on the 10th to 583 on the 11th, 3,934 on the 12th, 3,100 on the 13th, and 2534 on the 14th.

Accordingly, on the 7th, Israel lifted the restriction on movement outside of the residence 1km through the first phase of blockade easing measures and allowed some businesses to operate, such as delivery restaurants and beauty salons.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)
