I’m not a victim like a DJ… The reason for Lee Nak-yeon’s’pardonism breakthrough’

Lee Nak-yeon, representative of the Democratic Party, is speaking at the Supreme Council meeting held in the National Assembly on the 4th. Reporter Oh Dae-geun

The Democratic Party was literally overturned by the proposal of a special pardon for former Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye thrown by the Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon at the beginning of the new year. There are some trends in evaluating the authenticity of’integration’ by summoning former President Kim Dae-jung (DJ) who pardoned former Presidents Doo-hwan Chun and Tae-woo Roh, but the headwind of “What amnesty is that the people did not forgive?” Amnesty is the number of wins Lee threw as a presidential candidate, leaving the party’s presidential term for about two months. So, I don’t see any other options other than’front breakthrough’.

Honam-born presidential candidate’s ‘pardonism’, although similar to a DJ…

Representative Lee’s reason for pardon is not much different from that of DJ. “We must stop division and achieve national unity in order to overcome the national crisis.” As the president-elect, Kim Young-sam proposed an amnesty to the then president in December 1997, creating an atmosphere that’there is a need for national integration to break through the foreign exchange crisis’. Representative Lee also emphasized the crisis by calling the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) situation’national crisis’. In an interview with the Hankook Ilbo on the 3rd, CEO Lee confirmed that he did not intend to withdraw the claim of amnesty, saying, “Overcoming the national crisis and stabilizing people’s livelihood is an urgent priority. The collective strength of the people is needed to resolve the urgent need.”

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon is conducting an investigation at the funeral service of Mrs. Lee Hee-ho, the wife of former President Kim Dae-jung, held at Changcheon Church in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul in June 2019. yunhap news

Donggyo-dong Democratic Party members also listened to the’national crisis theory’ and supported Lee’s amnesty. Democratic Party lawmaker Seol-hoon, a former DJ secretary, said in an interview on CBS radio on the 4th, “The spirit underlying that basis (a pardon proposal) needs to be understood.” Democratic Party member Kim Han-jeong, who served as the first subsidiary of the Blue House in the DJ government, also spoke with the Hankook Ilbo on the same day, saying, “I understand the feelings of candlelight citizens who are concerned about justice, but now it is a more severe corona crisis than the foreign exchange crisis.” It is not the number of victory, but the number of victory of President Moon Jae-in.”

“Lee Nak-yeon and DJ are different… don’t be impatient”

Democrats who oppose the two former president’s amnesty argue that Lee and DJ’s amnesty are different in nature. Unlike the DJ, who was the’party’ who was harshly persecuted by the new military department, Chun Doo-hwan, a fundamental question was raised as to whether Lee is entitled to comment on the pardon for the corruption of former Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye. Democratic Party Congressman Woo Sang-ho told Facebook, “The Amnesty of Doo-Hwan Chun is that DJ, who can be said to be the biggest victim, has made a decision to unite the people, and the people agreed to that decision.” He criticized that it is not courtesy to the people to rhyme with the victims without a single word of reflection.”

At the time of the pardon proposal, DJ had a strong authority as party president and president-elect. Representative Lee is in a position to collect the opinions of the Supreme Council, the elected leadership. It is in this context that Yang Hyang-ja, the Supreme Council member of the Democratic Party, discussed the issue of amnesty at the Supreme Council on the 4th and criticized “You should not confuse impatience with urgency.” In 2005, when President Lee was a member of the National Assembly, a precedent was also spoken of inside and outside the Democratic Party of the Democratic Party, which opposed the promotion of the March 1 amnesty by former President Roh Moo-hyun and proposed amendments to the Amnesty Act restricting the presidential amnesty.

Former President Kim Dae-jung is moving while talking with former President Kim Young-sam at the 15th presidential inauguration ceremony held at the National Assembly on February 25, 1998. Hankook Ilbo data photo

“If you listen to the New Year press conference, you will understand everything”

Representative Lee’s will to push ahead with the amnesty discussion is firm. This is because the leadership as the next leader could be shaken if the issues raised by the party are closed due to internal opposition, leaving about two months in office. The’collaboration’ and’integration’ Lee tries to make into his own brand will also hurt. In a speech from a bargaining organization in the National Assembly in September last year, Lee proposed regular dialogue between the ruling and opposition parties (ruling party, opposition party, government) using’ubuntu, an African Bantu expression meaning’you are and I am’ as the keyword. There has always been an emphasis on coordination. In fact, Lee appeared on KBS News 9 this night and said, “If you were once the nation’s supreme ruler, you should be able to understand the hearts of the people. I think there will be something like an apology as a leader who thinks about the pain of the people. I do” he said. It looked positively at the apology of the two former presidents, a prerequisite for the pardon proposed by the Democratic Party.

Representative Lee believes that the press conference for President Moon Jae-in, held in the middle of this month, could be a’turning point’. This is because President Moon, who has the authority to pardon, could hold Lee’s hand. One close member of the representative Lee said, “If you listen to the President Moon’s New Year’s press conference, you will be able to understand in what context Lee spoke about the pardon.”

Hong In-taek reporter

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