“Illegal inspection information before MB is also released”… Democracy, rein of head-on breakthrough

In addition, the Supreme Council of the Democratic Party

picture explanationIn addition, the Supreme Council of the Democratic Party

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In addition, the Democratic Party further tightened the rein of the offensive by insisting on the full disclosure of information on the suspicion of an inspection before the Lee Myung-bak administration on the 19th.

It appears that the opposition party’s criticism of the’political offensive’ over allegations of illegal inspections is blocked from the source, and it is a full-scale counterattack.

Representative Lee Nak-yeon criticized the Supreme Council as “the suspicion of illegal inspections by the MB government is becoming increasingly common.”

He said, “The information on the temples that are coming out now are released according to the court’s ruling, but the opposition party is accusing it of being a political offensive with an election in mind.” “I said.

House representative Kim Tae-nyeon declared, “If there was an illegal inspection by the NIS before the Lee Myung-bak administration, the NIS will request the same information to be disclosed,” and declared a head-on breakthrough against the suspicion of opposition parties talking about the days of the Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun administrations.

“Illegal inspection of government agencies is not a matter of elections nor opposition parties, but a matter of establishing democracy right at the border between democracy and dictatorship,” he said. “The Democratic Party will step forward confidently to investigate the truth of illegal inspections.”

Kim Tae-nyeon speaks at the top

picture explanationKim Tae-nyeon speaks at the top

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Chief Commissioner Kim Jong-min pointed out that it is not common sense that he did not know about illegal inspections by the NIS, targeting Busan Mayor Park Hyeong-joon, who was then head of government at the Blue House.

He warned, “It is an insult to Democratic Busan to become the mayor of Busan without clearing up the suspicion of a political temple.”

Supreme Commissioner Shin Dong-geun said, “It shouldn’t be as much as an undisclosed report by the National Intelligence Service,” and urged, “At the party level, we should encourage the elected positions, who were members of the MB government at the time, to request information disclosure, so that they can receive inspection data.”

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Meanwhile, Rep. Kim Gyeong-hyup, the head of the National Assembly’s intelligence committee, appeared on KBS radio that day and dismissed the opposition’s claim that illegal inspections continued even during the previous government as “Operation Water Ghost.”

He strongly denied the association with the re-election and said, “There is no comparison in the importance or seriousness of the problem.”

Spokesman Kang Seon-woo also commented and criticized the power of the people and criticized “The Red Bull Market is also an oil fountain. Please keep your eyes open and see the truth.”


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