“I’ll live, go out”… Half a year of the lease law, landlords and tenants became’whatever’

“To avoid the tax bomb, I sold a house and told the remaining tenants to vacate the house because I had to live. But the tenant exercised the right to request a renewal of the contract, saying,’There is no place to go because the rent around the area has risen too much. I’ll do it.”

Since the enactment of the amendment to the lease law last year, the rent for rent has soared, and disputes between the landlord and the tenant have been frequent.

According to the law, also known as the Brightness Litigation Center, which provides legal counseling for brightness litigation recently, the total number of counseling on brightness litigation for five months from August last year, immediately after the new lease law was implemented, was 344 cases. This is an increase of 21% compared to the same period of the previous year, and out of 344 disputes related to the lease law, 58 cases were surveyed.

The revised lease law is key to the’right to request contract renewal,’ which allows tenants to live for two more years in the first two years, and the’maximum of rent to cheonsei’, which prevents rents from raising more than 5% when renewed. The rent for apartments in Seoul has soared since the enforcement of the revised lease law.

For example, the apartment complex 00 in Jamsil, Seoul, had a total price of 700 million won in July last year and 1 billion won in mid-January this year. Over the past six months, the total price has soared as much as the previous five years.

Given this situation, there are also disputes over the renewal of drugs worldwide.

Lawyer Eom Jeong-sook at the Lawyer General Law Firm said, “As the landlord for the purpose of real residence refused the tenant’s right to request renewal of the contract, the procedure and cost counseling for name lawsuits against tenants who do not comply with this has greatly increased.”

If the landlord is for the purpose of living, there is no need to accept the tenant’s right to renew the contract. In the above case, in order for the landlord to win the name lawsuit, it is of utmost importance to notify in advance that the renewal is refused for the purpose of living and secure evidence for this.

In addition, if the tenant makes it clear that he will not deliver before the contract is terminated, it may be a way to request a name lawsuit in advance as a lawsuit for future performance.

However, there is a caveat.

In the past, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said that if a building is purchased when the expiration date is less than 6 months, and the tenant is already exercising the right to request renewal, the tenant’s right to request renewal is given priority even for the purpose of living.

Attorney Eom advised, “In order to minimize controversy related to the name lawsuit, it is possible to reduce the possibility of disputes occurring in the future by clarifying the intention to refuse renewal on the grounds that you are a real resident after completing registration before 6 months.”

[류영상 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
