Ignore UN warnings… Myanmar military “will re-election”

The international community continues to send warning messages about the Myanmar military’s coup and cracking down on violent protests, including the UN issuing a statement condemning the Myanmar military, but the Myanmar military is ignoring the warning. He said that the international community seems to be misunderstanding and that he will continue to rule until the next election.

This is Jeong-Hyun Jeong.


Myanmar’s military government has announced that it will continue its military rule and re-election despite global pressure.

Myanmar military regime spokesman Jo Min Thun said on a state-run broadcast that “Myanmar is not in a situation that the international community is concerned about,” and “it hired a lobbyist to resolve the misunderstanding.”

He added that soon elections will be held and the regime will be handed over to the winning party.

Myanmar’s military government, which has claimed last year’s general election was a fraudulent election, has made it clear that it still has no intention of putting down the regime or stopping violence against the people.

At least 9 people died a day yesterday (11th), with 6 people killed when the Myanmar military police fired at the protesters.

[시위 중 숨진 남성의 아내 : 아이도 있고 또 다른 아이도 가져서 문제가 생길 것 같다고 말했지만, (남편이 시위하러 가는 걸) 말릴 수가 없었어요.]

The UN Special Rapporteur in Myanmar reports that at least 70 people have been killed and more than 2,000 citizens have been illegally detained in Myanmar so far.

To prevent this, he stressed that UN member states should form an emergency coalition to cut off the military funding line.

Human rights group Amnesty also analyzed the local video and accused the Myanmar military of using machine guns to actually execute citizens.
