“If you’re stuck, you’re going to be a job changer” LH employee… Blind member withdrawal

An employee is moving from the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) Gwangmyeong Siheung Business Headquarters in Gwangmyeong-si, Gyeonggi-do on the 9th, when the anti-corruption economic crime investigation unit of the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency conducted a seizure and search of LH headquarters, etc. in connection with the investigation of the alleged ``speculation in the new city of LH employees''.  Reporter Joo-Hyung Han on March 9, 2021

picture explanationAn employee is moving from the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) Gwangmyeong Siheung Business Headquarters in Gwangmyeong-si, Gyeonggi-do on the 9th, when the anti-corruption economic crime investigation team of the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency conducted a seizure and search of LH headquarters, etc. in connection with the investigation of alleged speculation in the new city of LH employees. Reporter Joo-Hyung Han on March 9, 2021

While the police tried to search for controversial employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) by posting an article saying, ‘If you are confused, move on,’ there are signs of withdrawal of members in the blind where the article was written.

◆Where is the anonymous guarantee?…”I can’t use blinds now”

On the 19th, in the blinds, a number of opinions were posted on whether it would be appropriate to reveal a specific person in the blinds that advocate “absolute security,” along with a statement that the police are seizing and searching to find LH employees.

In general, members agreed to find LH employees who mocked the nation, but members expressed unpleasant feelings that the search was conducted in blinds that ensure anonymity.

When a blind member recently posted a post saying, “What do you think of the blind confiscation and search?”, “A world where blinds are no longer blinds”, “Now, if you whistle and whistle in Vla, you will be arrested?”, “Completely anonymity is guaranteed to be guaranteed. That’s right,” and “If LH staff is revealed, it doesn’t make sense anymore.”

[사진 = 블라인드 캡처]

picture explanation[사진 = 블라인드 캡처]

Real office workers also expressed similar opinions. Aunt (31), who works as a game developer, said, “I didn’t believe in anonymity and security from the beginning. I went to the company and started blinding. I was afraid as soon as I saw the news about finding an LH employee,” he said.

Yoon Mo (35), an office worker working for a Korean mobile telecommunications company, said, “I used the blinds all the time with the mind to do what if the company found me, but I learned that there is absolutely no security from this work. I will withdraw sooner or later.” .

Kim Mo (34), an office worker in the beauty industry, also said, “I’m really angry at the writing of LH staff, but it’s a separate matter for the police to find the author. If you break the purpose of blind anonymity, who will comfortably use the blinds while swearing at the company?” Pointed out.

◆ It seems difficult to find LH staff

Blind is the largest anonymous community in Korea, currently used by 3.2 million people. The reason blinds were able to achieve such growth is because absolute `anonymity` was guaranteed.

Since the anonymity is guaranteed, the blind has become a communication channel for office workers who freely share their salary and organizational culture, and openly confess back talks between the company and the boss. In the question-and-answer section of the actual blind homepage, when asked, “Is it really anonymous?”, the blind side said, “Neither the blind staff nor the representative’s daughter-in-law know who you are.” However, if the police find an LH employee due to this incident, credibility can be seriously damaged if the blind’s greatest strength, anonymity, collapses. Existing blind members have no choice but to have anxiety that their identity can be revealed at any time.

It is unclear whether the police will be able to find an LH employee. Blind has a patent that processes member data privately, and the company authentication email used for sign-up is only used to verify the incumbent. It is encrypted immediately after signing up, and the link to the blind app account is immediately destroyed. It means that there is no data or information to prove. Experts also explained that finding an employee’s identity is virtually’impossible’. Yoon Joo-beom, professor of the Department of Information Security at Sejong University, said, “In general, the connected IP is stored, but it may be difficult to find it due to the nature of the blind that deletes data.” “It seems unlikely that there will be as much information as possible,” he pointed out.

[김승한 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
