If income declines, up to 1 million won is supported for workers without employment insurance.

Even if you are not a special high school or freelancer, you may be eligible for emergency employment support.

A 500,000 won support program is also established for visiting and caring workers belonging to companies.

Even if it is irregular, a person who earned income from labor (labor provision) can receive an emergency employment security support fund of up to 1 million won if their income has decreased due to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

500,000 won is also provided to workers in visiting and caring services, such as nursing care workers belonging to dispatch and service companies, and activities assistants for the disabled.

An official from the Ministry of Strategy and Finance said on the 3rd, “As the general public does not know the definition of a job title such as a special type of worker (special high school) or freelancer, there is a situation where the government cannot pay because it is not applied even though it is the target of emergency employment security support payment.

The official explained, “Rather than think in complex terms such as special high school or freelance, if a person without employment insurance has reduced their income due to COVID-19, it is highly likely that they will be eligible for emergency employment security support.”

This means that in the disaster subsidy system, which is largely divided into employment vulnerable groups such as small business owners and special high school and freelancers, there may be blind spots in the execution of subsidies due to information gaps.

The government divides the class that earns income from labor into largely into workers who have employment insurance belonging to a company and workers who do not belong to a specific company and do not have employment insurance that provides work, such as self-employed people.

Workers belonging to companies are basically benefited from employment insurance in situations such as unemployment. The first safety plate is provided through unemployment benefits or unpaid leave support.

The representative employment vulnerable class who earn money from labor but do not receive the employment insurance benefits are special high school and freelancers, and the government’s support system for them is the emergency employment security subsidy. In other words, although the representative beneficiaries of the emergency employment security subsidies are special high schools and freelancers, there are many other targets for subsidies.

In general, special notices are occupations that are not covered by the Labor Standards Act even though they provide labor similar to workers. A freelancer is a person who provides labor independently according to his own judgment through a contract.

Special high school and freelance jobs include insurance planners, learning branch teachers, courier/quick service drivers, loan recruiters, credit card member recruiters, proxy drivers, door-to-door salespeople, visiting teachers, home appliance installers, and truck drivers.

Household assistants who do not belong to a specific company and perform tasks such as cleaning, childrearing, and care through individual contracts may be eligible for emergency employment security support because they do not have employment insurance while providing work, although they are not in the category of special training or freelance.

However, the income in December of last year was less than one of last year’s average monthly income, October/November income, or December 2019 income through supporting documents such as fee and allowance payment statement, business income withholding receipt, and bankbook transaction statement made with the transaction party. You must be able to prove that it has decreased by more than a percent.

Those who have not applied for the support fund because they do not know whether they are eligible for the Emergency Employment Stability Support Fund can be classified as a new applicant this time and receive a support fund of 1 million won.

Visiting and caring service workers belonging to service companies, such as nursing care caregivers and disabled activity assistants, deserve a separate subsidy (500,000 won per person) program.

They are usually employed by companies to receive salaries, but if they can’t go to work, they have no allowances, and their real incomes drop sharply. Since they are still affiliated with a business, they have not received unemployment benefits, but they are threatened with livelihoods from Corona 19. The government will receive applications from them and provide subsidies to 90,000 people based on income.

If a person who made money by selling goods to others has reduced their income due to the Corona 19 outbreak, they can aim for a small business owner support fund program.

The support fund for small business owners is a project that provides support of 1 million, 2 million, and 3 million won to 2.8 million small business owners with annual sales of 400 million won or less, whose sales declined last year compared to the previous year, as well as prohibited and restricted businesses according to the government’s quarantine guidelines. If you are registered as a business with the National Tax Service, you are basically eligible to apply for support funds. ./Sejong = Reporter Hyojeong Park [email protected]

The government is planning to extend the measures of’Secondary Distance Step 2.5 and Non-Metropolitan Area Step 2’until January 3 of next year, and provide a third disaster support fund to small business owners and self-employed people affected by the third spread of Corona 19. On the 28th of last month, Myeongdong streets in Seoul are busy./Yonhap News

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