“I will throw more than Korea” curve, will Yang Hyeon-jong become a US adaptation weapon? [캠프라이브]

Maekyung.com MK Sports (Jupiter, USA) Correspondent Kim Jae-ho

Yang Hyun-jong’s second appearance in the demonstration game was a place with many meanings. The discovery of the curve was one of them.

Yang Hyun-jong started as the third pitcher of the team in the 5th away match between the Milwaukee Brewers and the Cactus League held at the American Family Fields of Phoenix on the 14th (Korean time), striking out two innings, one hit and three strikeouts. The number of pitches was 20.

If he was the last pitcher in the game against the Los Angeles Dodgers, he mainly played against prospects, but on this day he also faced some of the leading players, such as Jackie Bradley Jr. and Abigail Garcia. In the 6th inning, he struck out in a row. Against Dylan Kozens, he used the curve as a deciding ball.

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Yang Hyeon-jong confirmed the possibility of a curve on the back of the day. Photo =ⓒAFPBBNews = News1 Yang Hyun-jong was evaluated as a good pitcher for his slider and changeup.
But in the new team, the curve has emerged as a new key.

In an earlier interview, President John Daniels Rangers said, “According to our analysis, his curve is likely to be a very good pitch here.” This day’s game was a place to confirm the possibility.

Yang Hyun-jong also said, “I think I have to throw more curves than when I was in Korea.” He said, “Because there are more powerful hitters than Korea, it is important to change the restraint and throw only one pitch without targeting,” he said, adding that he will increase the frequency of using curves compared to Korea.

It is also being promoted around the world. “The catchers and power analysts say the curve is not bad. I plan to throw a better curve and a better ball of change by filling in the gaps,” he said.

The way you throw will have to be different since you are dealing with other hitters. He said, “In Korea, the curve was a ball that hitters didn’t aim for, so I threw it with a count catching ball. Here, throwing with a count catching ball allows long hits, so you have to adjust the constraints and lower the control.

I will focus a lot,” he said about the difference. [email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
