“I will respond to the group”… ‘260,000 households’ new housing is already’creaking’

[이데일리 김나리 기자] “Would you accept the offer to sell for a tenth of the price around you because you were the owner of a new residential land? We plan to come up with measures such as convening a countermeasure committee in areas where the designation of new housing sites is expected.” (Chairman of the National Solidarity Countermeasures Council for Public Housing District Im Chae-gwan)

The 3rd new town of Changneung District (Photo = Yonhap News)

The government announced that it would supply a total of 263,000 households in new residential areas through the ‘2/4 supply plan’, but difficulties are expected even before the start. It is foretold that land owners who have already decided to accept land, such as the 3rd new town, will collectively move against them in solidarity with the land owners of the expected new residential areas.

According to the ‘2·4 supply plan’ announced by the government on the 7th, 263,000 households are expected to be supplied from the new housing out of 836,000 houses nationwide. The name of the new housing site has not been disclosed, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is currently in a position to disclose about 20 new housing sites that have been sequentially selected after completing related consultations with local governments. As early as next month and within the first half of this year, announcements will be made two to three times.

Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum said, “The volume of the announcement of the new housing site is the volume added to the 3rd new town,” he said. .

As candidates for new housing sites, metropolitan areas are first mentioned. The Gwangmyeong/Siheung districts and the Hanam Gambuk districts, which are mentioned every time a new city is announced, are among the best candidates. These two districts were selected as Bogeumjari housing districts during the Lee Myung-bak administration, but the projects were destroyed. In addition, Gochon-eup in Gimpo, Maesong and Bibong in Hwaseong, and Juam-dong in Gwacheon are rising.

There is also a view that an unexpected region will be selected. One real estate expert said, “Because speculation demand is already rushing in places where the possibility of new housing sites is predicted, there is a high probability that the government will make a surprise announcement in an unexpected place. Places can be selected,” he predicted.

However, even if the new housing site is unveiled, the road ahead will not be smooth until the actual supply of housing is realized. There is a possibility that landlords will collectively rebel over land compensation.

In the 3rd new towns that were previously designated as public residential lands, there is already a group opposition from landlords of public residential lands over land compensation. It is argued that the government is infringing on the property rights of landlords without paying fair compensation. Accordingly, the National Solidarity Countermeasures Council for Public Housing Districts, composed of 62 public housing district land owners, including the 3rd new city, visited the headquarters of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) on the 3rd and requested fair compensation, and the fast track immediately stopped. Also asked for. The government decided to reduce the land compensation period to 17 months by applying Fast Track to the 3rd new city, but due to this, there are also observations of delays in housing supply to the 3rd new city.

The Gongjeon Association plans to engage in collective opposition with the owners of the expected land for new housing sites. An official from the Kongjeon Association said, “The government has to buy land while paying fair compensation for the private property of the land owners, but now it is being evaluated extremely low compared to the surrounding market price and is paying a bargain price.” We plan to respond together, and when the designation of the housing site becomes concrete, we will take action together.”

Unlike the previous individual countermeasures, the government is now moving as a group, so it is difficult for the government to impose unconditional expropriation. “In the past, it was not easy because land owners responded individually in the process of the government’s forced expropriation of land, but now, because land owners in 60 to 70 districts move as a group, the government will not be able to respond.” He stressed that it is difficult to unilaterally push for more than 1 million landlords and families ahead of the presidential election. He added, “The behavior of the government to take huge profits by forcibly acquiring land in public housing districts nationwide at a bargain price and unilaterally bias development profits must be eliminated.”
