“I will install an elevator at home for my mother with a pain in her knees.”

Poppin Hyun-jun’s mother, Yang Hye-ja, has poor knee joints. Hye-ja, who lives in a three-story detached house, crawls around with both arms and legs whenever he goes up the stairs. After seeing that, Poppin Hyun-jun decided to install an elevator in the house with 200 million won, but Hye-ja strongly opposed this, and it turned out that’because I was sorry to lean on my son because I didn’t do anything special.’ Was.

Hyeja, who appeared in KBS Salimnam on the 20th, asked the driver who visited the house to install an elevator, asking, “Aren’t there a lot of electricity bills?” Showed. However, Poppin Hyun-joon, who had already figured out her mother’s feelings, firmly expressed his intention to proceed with the elevator installation work, saying, “I realized that my parents didn’t wait for me when my father went, and I regretted it very much.” Poppin Hyun-jun said, “I don’t have a lot of money, but it is possible if I save. Don’t worry about the money that goes in,” he stressed, “Don’t even say that it’s okay.”

So, what Hyeja said was, “I didn’t do anything well, but I’m sorry (for removing the burden).” When the son revealed his sincerity, “What are you talking about after raising everything like this,” Hyeja began to cry.

Hye-ja says she hasn’t done much to Poppin Hyun-jun because of her difficult circumstances. Hyeja said, “They did everything on their own, and I never leaned on my parents, but I’m sorry that I now seem to lean on my son.” When the son once said, “Now it’s my turn to take care of my mother.” He said he was impressed and released his honest feelings. Hyeja, who said that she was deeply moved by her son who cares for herself, not because of the custom of’filial piety’, but said she misses her husband who left the world first. Hyeja expressed her husband as “a person who always remembers when I enjoy good things.” “I am sorry to all the people in the world. To my son, to my daughter-in-law, to my husband.”

MC Hahee, who saw this, said, “Parents always say that they are sorry when they are older, but I hope you do not. From the moment we were born, we can’t remember anything, because our parents continued to devote us so that we could exist.”

Sangah Kwak: [email protected]
