“I was sorry, so I helped.” “Limps” A Chinese beggar in her 70s, richer than me…

[사진출처 = 영상 화면 캡처]

picture explanation[사진출처 = 영상 화면 캡처]

In Henan Province, China, an old man in his 70s, famous for being a beggar, turned out to be actually a rich man.

The Pengpai newspaper, a local Chinese journalist, reported on the 7th that a famous beggar in the 70s in Henan Province has a wife and children, as well as a four-room house.

According to Pungpai, an eyewitness said, “I was sorry for the beggar in a clothes with a miserable attitude, so I gave him 2 yuan (about 350 won). I saved it, and I deposited 1000 yuan. I have more money than me,” he revealed. At the same time, he posted a related video online.

This beggar is already famous for’begging’ locally. His nickname is’Durumagi Brother’, because he wears a durumagi that writes down how desperate he is. They wear crutches on both sides and walk with limp to induce sympathy.

When the traffic light turns red, the old man approaches the stopped car, wipes the car glass with a cloth, and asks the driver for money. The police, who were reported and dispatched, arrested the begging old man at the scene.

However, police investigations revealed that he had a slight discomfort in his legs, no health problems, and even lived in a four-bedroom house with a wife and children.

Bank deposits are also estimated to be about 200,000 yuan (34 million won).

It is also reported that the son and daughter have a car and a house, and the daughter’s business is in Henan Province.

His wife said, “Even his family naturally hates that he goes around begging,” and “because they know that, sometimes he goes out secretly.”

The beggar, who was admonished by the police, promised that he would never again beg for a beggar, Pungpai said.

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
