“I was in the state of removing my luggage from the accommodation…”

Girl group Brave Girls member Yoo-jeong (pictured) shared his thoughts on driving in reverse.

On the 8th’s YouTube channel’Recent Olympics’, ‘[브레이브걸스 유정을 만나다] A video titled’Rolin’, a miracle after 4 years…’ has been uploaded.

In the video, Yoo Jeong-eun said, “I didn’t believe everything because I thought,’We’re going to be a topic for a while and then disappear.'”

He said that the production crew had nicknames such as’Kobukja’ and’Haengbokja’ because of their smile. “(When I perform) I only shoot one person. It is perfect for those who have the best reaction. I think,’Oh yeah, I’ll show you everything today.’”

Following that, Yoo Jung made his debut with an ambitious song titled “‘Changed’ about what was not noticed at the beginning of his debut. At the time, our concept was groundbreaking. When I put on an esleisure look, tanned, and painted my eyebrows thick, the CEO at the company said,’Hey, you’re great. It will really work this time. “Trust me,” he said, but after that, the’high heels’ that was announced was not good.”

When asked if there were any comments that I remember, “There are interesting posts, but when I made a comeback last year, (a person) wrote’Don’t give up, guys.’ It touched so much that I captured it and saved it.”

Also, when I was asked about how I am feeling these days, he said, “To talk about this, you have to keep me alive. Our team is not young. “I’m the second and I’m 31 years old.” I think it’s right to get things done quickly’ was last Tuesday (February 23). I removed my luggage from the hostel, and it was almost over now.”

“(Even when the video became a hot topic), I didn’t get excited. ‘Don’t expect, get hurt. I will talk about it for a while, so let’s not install it on our own.’ That much, my self-esteem was very low,” he said, saying that he was thinking about a realistic future. He even thought that he would challenge the show host after quitting the idol.

Then, when he took the top spot on the music charts with’Rolin’, he said, “I realized how valuable and grateful this interest has been because it has been so hard, and because there are more people looking forward to it, I have a greater sense of responsibility.”

He finally said, “I graduated after eight years of working in college. After my debut, I tried to go down, but in the end I reached the place I wanted. Human life is unknown. He added, “If you think,’Can I start this dream now?’ simply because of my age, I hope you don’t think about it.”

Kyung Ye-eun, an online news reporter [email protected]

Photo = YouTube channel’Recent Olympics’ capture

[ⓒ 세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
