“I was hit in the cheek” Kim Si-deok reveals… embarrassing Kim Ki-soo → Kim Young-sam comment

[엑스포츠뉴스 조혜진 기자] While comedian Si-deok Kim revealed the story of his brother’s cheek, Ki-soo Kim was mentioned as the one who beat him. In response, Kim Ki-soo expressed his position that “there is nothing to clarify,” and another motive, Kim Young-sam, also appeared and defended him, leaving a meaningful remark.

On the 15th, did you hear’Sitdown Comedy_EP10′ on Kim Si-duk’s YouTube’Sideok Tube’? A video titled “The Motivation Set!” was posted.

In the video that day, Kim Si-deok claimed that he was struck by A, the brother of the KBS 16th public loan comedian. Si-deok Kim said that Mr. A, who wanted to create a hierarchical order, lied that his seniors had ordered him and beat him and his siblings.

Kim Si-deok, who said that he has sharpened his teeth in this case, mentioned the names of his motives, saying, “Our motives are generally good. Jung Myung-hoon, Kim In-seok, Heo Tae-hee. The right members” In addition, he added, “It is the only person who doesn’t contact me. The last thing I saw was at Jaehun’s wedding.”

Kim Si-deok did not mention Mr. A’s real name, but netizens noted that only Kim Young-sam and Kim Ki-soo did not disclose their real names while mentioning the names of their motives earlier. Afterwards, witnesses visited by Kim Si-deok and other classmates visited Kim Young-sam’s hospital, who works as a dentist, and netizens speculated that Mr. A was Kim Ki-soo.

As Si-deok Kim’s arguments spread online, comments demanding clarification were continued on the YouTube channel run by Kim Ki-soo. On the 24th, Kim Ki-soo said through his YouTube community on the 24th, “Stop speculative writing, ridicule, bad comments, padrips, and sexual drips.”

Also, on the same day, Kim Ki-soo posted on her YouTube channel, saying,’This is YouTube content. “Beauty 119” video was posted, and “gas lighting content is not content. This is the content and it is called a YouTuber.”

Even Kim Young-sam appeared and left a comment on Kim Ki-soo’s video. Kim Young-sam comforted Kim Gi-soo, saying, “Do your best. We’re broadcasting in the midst of this. After time, everything will be revealed. There are many subscribers,” and Kim Ki-soo fixed Kim Young-sam’s comment.

Kim Ki-soo expressed his gratitude, saying, “Thank you, all of your friends will be revealed. At that time, you will have many fingers with a sorry heart.” In response, Kim Young-sam defended him with a meaningful comment saying, “What is revealed. Ah, it’s funny. Anyway, who is on your side. Anyway, who is on your side. Not necessarily who is bad. You laughed a lot.

Kim Young-sam added a comment saying, “People don’t know well and are just commenting.

[email protected] / Photo = Kim Si-duk YouTube, Kim Ki-soo YouTube
