“I want to stop” in the message of Chilin Homi… Groublin’s “I’m taking medicine for severe anxiety”

While rapper Chilin Homi (23, real name Jeon Woo-seong) complained of anxiety, his agency announced that he would help with treatment.

On the 28th, Chilin Homi said in her Instagram story, “I want to stop. it’s too hard. I want to XX While noticing, I posted an article saying, “Why do I live?”, arousing concerns about extreme choices and aroused concerns from fans.

Afterwards, his agency, Grublin, said, “We are sorry that our artist Chilin Homi has caused anxiety and concern to many people due to the words and actions shown on Instagram live broadcast last night.”

He continued, “Chillin Homi is currently suffering from panic disorder and anxiety, so she goes to the hospital and is constantly taking prescribed medications.” “Still, various situations have become difficult and difficult to deal with on their own. I appealed to him.”

“We will do our best to help Chilin Homi focus on emotional stability and treatment, and we will try our best to be careful in managing all artists.” In order to protect people, we plan to respond strongly to indiscriminate bad comments, criticism, and spread of rumors.”

Earlier, when Chilin Homi appeared in’Show Me the Money 9’in December of last year, she got off herself due to panic disorder due to depression.

Afterwards, he posted on his Instagram “I had depression and panic disorder from before the filming, but if I took the medicine, I would become stupid and didn’t take it because it would interfere with the filming.” I got off because it said Alzheimer’s could come.”

Kang So-young, online news reporter [email protected]

Photo = Chilin Homi Instagram, Mnet’Show Me the Money 9’broadcast screen capture

※If you need expert help due to a feeling of depression, etc., you can receive 24-hour consultation at the Suicide Prevention Hotline 1577-0199, Suicide Prevention Consultation Line 1393, Hope Line 129, Life Line 1588-9191, and Youth Line 1388.

[ⓒ 세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
