“I want to sell instead of buying a lotto”… Winning sales rights is also a’fortune’ [로또하세요?]

[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanation[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

`Oh! Today, it’s too bad. It’s a lo or bokbulbok game where’I’ wins the first place or not. However, this is only my position to buy the lottery, but the position of the person who sells the lottery is different.

First of all, there is no such thing as a’bang’ for those who sell lotto. They don’t matter if the buyer wins or not, the more sold the lotto, the better. This is because a certain portion of the weekly lotto sales is taken as proceeds.

Lotto store where I just ran into a hurry on Saturday evening. Who in the world is operating this place and how much profit is it? With the help of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the accompanying lottery, a lottery consignee, I solved it in one question and one answer.

▲ How to increase profits

Lotto stores receive a sales commission from the government in exchange for selling the lotto on their behalf. 5.5% of lotto sales are the sales commission rate. If you sell a lottery worth 10,000 won, you get 550 won as a profit.

According to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the average daily lottery sales last year was estimated at 13 billion won. Annually, it is 4.74 trillion won. Here, 5.5% of 265 billion won was returned to the profits of lottery stores nationwide.

As of the 18th, there are 7,000 lottery stores nationwide. Therefore, it can be estimated that the average annual profit per store is about 37 million won.

However, this is only an average value, and there is inevitably a deviation per store, the accompanying Lottery explained. In fact, many of the most famous lottery winners, known as the so-called “Lottery Myeongdang,” have a vertical rise in lottery sales, which inevitably increases profits.

For example, if there is a store that raises 500 million won worth of lottery sales per month, this place only earns 27.5 million won in monthly income. This is why there is a saying that the lottery store hit the lottery.

[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanation[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

▲ Can anyone operate?

To start with the answer, no one can operate it. Basically, you must have Korean citizenship and be over 19 years of age. In addition, there is a limitation that only those who are subject to preferential contracts determined in accordance with the Lottery and Lottery Fund Act and the next higher level under the National Basic Livelihood Security Act can operate lottery stores. In the early 2000s, when the lotto was introduced, ordinary people were able to acquire sales rights, but now it is impossible.

Specifically, priority contract recipients are 1) persons with disabilities 2) recipients of basic national living 3) head of household of a single-parent family 4) merit of independence and his or her family member 5) merit of the state and his or her family or family 6) other low-income groups or victims for the country It refers to a person who has contributed, etc., as prescribed by Presidential Decree.

▲ How to recruit

Public announcements are made by the Lottery Committee of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the entrusted lottery company, and recruitment through the Internet. According to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, it is planning to recruit 949 lottery stores in 2021 alone according to the resolution of the Lottery Committee to expand the number of lottery stores to 9582 over the three years from 2019 to this year.

The Ministry of Information and Communications said that the decision to recruit lottery stores will be based on efficient management for the creation of jobs for the vulnerable and stable growth of lottery tickets. A companion lottery official also explained, “If the number of sales points decreases due to health reasons such as closing of the store due to health reasons or violation of the Lottery Act, we are recruiting stores again to maintain the current level.”

▲ Selection of contract targets

Lottery for selecting contract targets is held by city, county, and district (based on basic municipalities) through a computer program. It is a form of’open lottery’ in which observers such as groups of people with disabilities and people of merit join. The result of the lottery is notified by being posted on the companion lottery website or by sending a text message on a mobile phone or by sending a registered mail to the address indicated. The renewal of the lottery sales right can be decided on a yearly basis through separate examination by seller within the contract period.

▲ Rent? possession?

Lotto stores can be rented or owned. There are no restrictions on the size of the store. However, there is a distance limit for opening a new store. The standard distance is different for each type of business district, city, or road. The location of the store to be opened must be approved for the companion lottery after consultation with the companion lottery.

For reference, lotto stores are open from 6 am to 12 pm from Sunday to Friday, and from 6 pm to 8 pm on Saturday.

▲ Precautions before application

Lotto stores must be prepared at the applicant’s expense and responsibility. Applicants who pass the qualification screening must own or lease a business place within 6 months. If you fail to comply with the opening standards in the announcement, such as not owning or leasing a business place within the period, the contract eligibility will be lost.

In the case of lottery sales, the standard industry classification code is excluded from support for small business policy funding and consulting. Therefore, it is not possible to support policy financing, so it is necessary to establish strong measures to raise funds necessary for opening a store before applying.

[방영덕 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]

* Not all journalists are good at talking. Especially with someone you see for the first time. Material is required. Anyone can easily access and enjoy it,’Lotto’. It is not free from roor or specularity. However, if you focus on’people’, you can see joy, sadness, and sorrow. If you focus on the’winning money’, you can talk about taxes, finances, statistics, and more.

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
