I want to know that, Eun-seok Park, Director Jo, who sued for defamation

'I want to know that' (Photo = SBS)

‘I want to know that’ (Photo = SBS)

SBS’I Want to Know’ tracks the actions of’Cho’, the casting director who seems to have gained gain by suing actors over the past several years.

Actors whose names and faces are known to the public became informants and sought’that I want to know’. The reason why the actors gave up courage even though it could have a bad influence on their image was because they wanted to stop’he’ so that their juniors would not face the pain they suffered. The main character of the story the actors told in front of the camera is Cho, the casting director. Dozens of actors, not just one or two, were bothered by Mr. Jo and said they were still suffering. What happened between the actors and the casting director, Mr. Jo?

Around 2017, ugly rumors began to circulate among actors in Daehakro. It was about Cho, the casting director who traveled around Daehak-ro and approached actors and handed business cards. According to the testimony of Daehakro actors, Cho introduced himself as the casting director of an entertainment company and won the actors’ favor.

After that, Mr. Cho made friends with actors by showing the script of a famous director. But in the process, strange things began to happen. First of all, the meeting with Mr. Cho, the casting director, would take place in the unexpected Mok-dong SBS lobby, not near the production company or audition venue. In addition, it is said that there were things that forced meetings close to private seats, such as having to eat or drink rather than meet in relation to the work or casting. Crucially, the reality of the company in his business card becomes suspicious. Actor Park Eun-seok, who is well-received for appearing on SBS”Penthouse’, also said that he was in doubt after receiving a business card from Jo.

Park Eun-suk’s agency did not have a casting director whose name was written on the business card he handed. When I traced it, I found out that the name on the business card wasn’t real. Park Eun-suk said that in the process of returning the script he received, Jo continued to show suspicious behavior, such as being too angry, that he decided to inform other actors about this fact.

Park Eun-suk posted the first article in the group chat room of the theater actors who were performing with him to be careful with Jo, and this spread among actors in college. Then, the testimony of actors that they had suffered similar damage in the past continued. However, this’Let’s be careful’ writing and chatting became a tool to tangle actors’ lives with suffering.

Shortly thereafter, Daehakro actors were sued one after another. Cho found actors who participated in the group chat room or translated and sued him for damaging his own reputation. After that, he met dozens of actors who criticized or sympathized with him and asked for an apology, and he urged an agreement to withdraw the complaint.

At that time, the settlement fund proposed by Mr. Cho was said to have ranged from as few as hundreds of thousands of won to as many as several million won. It was too harsh for the Daehakro actors who were running to dream of a bigger stage in the future, but many actors followed Cho’s consensus. I thought there was nothing wrong, but it was scary to get involved in a legal dispute with Cho for the new actors who had to be careful about even a small flaw for the entertainment industry.

Cho urged him to pay the settlement money because he was certain that he was an innocent victim, and even asked for monthly payments if it was not possible. And to the actors who refused to agree, they continued harassment by reporting their defamation case in the media. In severe cases, he went directly to the actor’s house and received an application for temporary injunction to ban access. Broadcast at 11:10 tonight.

Kim Na-kyung, reporter of Hankyung.com’s entertainment and issue team
Article reports and press releases [email protected]
