I think it’s a palace… Rain ♥ Kim Tae-hee reveals her love house living with her two daughters

Photo = SBS'Deacons' broadcast screen

Photo = SBS’Deacons’ broadcast screen

A love house where singer Rain and actor Kim Tae-hee live with their two daughters was revealed.

Rain appeared in the failure festival of SBS’Deacons All’, which aired on the 14th. Failure Festival is a festival in which people who have failed suffer stories of failure. Rain left a message on the performer’s phone to come home.

After arriving at the house of Rain and Kim Tae-hee, the members of the’Deacons All’ made a phone call to Rain, admiring the mansion. After passing the main gate opened by the rain, a splendid and elegant courtyard like a palace was revealed. The members admired the multiple doors and said, “It’s so cool.”

Photo = SBS'Deacons' broadcast screen

Photo = SBS’Deacons’ broadcast screen

Rain, who came out comfortably in slippers, said, “Why am I (Sil Passival’s) invited singer?”

Before entering the house, Rain said, “I have a request,” and “don’t steal anything.” When I asked, “Please tell me quietly at home, I’m not the only one who lives”, the members remembered Kim Tae-hee and asked, “Is he here?” Rain asked me to whisper, “I’m at home now, let me whisper.”

Photo = SBS'Deacons' broadcast screen

Photo = SBS’Deacons’ broadcast screen

In particular, Rain wittily said, “Don’t ask about your family, you shouldn’t be spotted even though you’re living together these days,” laughed. The members who went into the house following the rain exclaimed, “It’s not a house, it’s like a showroom, is it a showroom store?” Also, “I can feel the warmth of the world star, the cold of failure does not come out,” he was surprised.

Rain’s first failure was an idol group fan club that debuted in 1997. Rain mentioned the failure of his fan club debut, saying, “I have failed too many times since high school.” Afterwards, Rain talked about the mindset of failure, saying, “To overcome the pain, you have to draw a simulation of failure, your own mindset.” “I advised.

Reporter Woobin [email protected]

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