I risked my life on a follower… a breathtaking certification shot on the 108m Victoria Falls

[에메리스 로즈 인스타그램]

[에메리스 로즈 인스타그램]

With a maximum drop of 108m, netizens are accusing the woman who took a’certification shot’ while lying on top of the Victoria Falls, the longest waterfall in the world.

Foreign media such as Daily Mail and Metro reported that the baptism of comments from netizens continued to Emeris Rose (25, female), who posted a photo of her visit to Devil’s Pool at Victoria Falls on SNS on the 20th (local time).

Victoria Falls, located in the middle of the Zambezi River on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe in southern Africa, is one of the world’s three largest waterfalls. The width reaches 1676m. The Devils Pool is a natural pool at the top of this waterfall.

Rose from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, visited Devils Pool on vacation late last year. In the videos and photos he uploaded, there was a picture of a waterfall, where the water flows violently, reaching down the cliff. Rose’s post had 42,700 likes and 2,600 comments.

Some netizens responded to Rose with reactions such as, “I took a risky act to gain followers,” “Treat my life,” “I’m worried that it will affect other young people.”

[에메리스 로즈 인스타그램]

[에메리스 로즈 인스타그램]

As the criticism continued, Rose refuted through her YouTube, saying, “It wasn’t scary,” and “it was all safe.” He added, “I fell on the edge of the waterfall and felt a sense of liberation, and I was thrilled.”

Is Devil’s Pool really dangerous? The Daily Mail reported that the water level here is only a few centimeters deep from late August to early January when the water level drops. It is also said that the rock at the end of the waterfall acts as a protective wall to prevent people from being swept away by the water.

There are also travel packages where you can experience playing in the water. Tourists can tour across the waterfall, and a guide will guide you to swim in the Devils Pool. Safety devices are also in place to prevent accidents.

Reporter Seok-Hyun Ko [email protected]
