“I mourn Gadeokdo Island to disappear to the new airport”-OhmyNews

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 Citizens' action against the new airport, consisting of about 20 groups, is holding a rally at the Busan City Hall Square on the 25th to urge the withdrawal of the Special Act of Gadeokdo New Airport.

Citizens’ action against the new airport, consisting of about 20 groups, is holding a rally at the Busan City Hall Square on the 25th to urge the withdrawal of the Special Act of Gadeokdo New Airport.
Ⓒ Kim Bo-seong

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“I mourn the Gadeokdo Island that will disappear to the new airport”

‘There is no need for a new airport to shovel’,’Opposite election airport’,’Four major rivers built in the sky’,’I mourn for being eroded’. Behind each hand-made picket procession, a dancer in white clothes dressed in nature danced to mourn’Gadeokdo’. In front of the young people who knelt, Yeongjeong,’Gadeokdo’ with a black ribbon took place.

They mourned for Gadeokdo, which will be uncovered after the new airport special law passes. Participants said, “I am worried about the selfishness of humans that destroys the environment.”

Environmental group and Jinbo Party condemning new airport, why?

Ahead of the vote of the National Assembly’s plenary session under the New Airport Special Act on Gadeok Island, more than 20 groups from Busan and Gyeongnam have held a rally against this at the Busan City Hall Plaza. At this meeting, Busan Energy Justice Action, Busan Youth Climate Warriors University, environmental organizations such as friends of wetlands and birds, religious organizations such as the Busan Christian Church Council (NCCB) Environmental Committee, Justice Party, Social Transformation Party, Labor Party, Jinbo Party Busan City Party and Busan Green Party The progressive party, the Gyeongnam Climate Crisis Emergency Action, and the Gyeongnam Environmental Movement Association argued that “the new airport special law, which is only a political means, should be withdrawn immediately.”

This rally, held in the form of a’Gadeokdo mourning’ performance, is an event hosted by the New Airport Anti-Citizens Action. Citizens’ actions organized by environmental groups and progressive political parties in Busan and Gyeongnam were criticized as “consuming less, destroying less, and focusing only on civil construction projects, although it is a situation that cannot prevent the severe climate crisis even if it consumes less, destroys less, and moves less.” They appealed for the withdrawal of the special law, saying, “I commemorate the life of Gadeokdo Island, which will become extinct more quickly with the new airport,” and “If you make another choice now, you can protect Gadeokdo Island and the lives of local residents.”

Criticism of established politics also continued. Civic action points out that there are problems with both parties, such as the Democratic Party and the people’s power, which are aggressive around the new airport. Dahee Kwak, CEO of the Young Climate Warriors University, asked, “Where are the will of the citizens of Busan in this politics of the two parties?” CEO Kwak said, “Let’s spend more than 10 trillion won in the budget of Gadeok New Airport to overcome welfare, housing, and economic difficulties.” .

They also set a day for President Moon Jae-in’s move to visit Busan after a year. Kang Eon-ju, a Busan Energy Justice Action activist who participates in civic action, <오마이뉴스>“There are people in the area who are against the new airport, and it’s still a matter of debate, and there is no movement to hear this voice,” he said. He pointed out that “the president’s visit is nothing more than aggravating confusion.”

The number of organizations participating in civic action continues to increase. These groups initially started with the anti-Busan action against the new airport, but removed the word’Busan’. Several organizations in the Gyeongnam region participated in civic action. They oppose not only Gadeok Island, but also new airports across the country such as Ulleungdo, Jejudo, Sacheon and Heuksando.

An activist Kang Eon-ju said, “Now, the blocking of the Gaduk New Airport Special Act is an immediate task, and even in the by-election, we plan to raise the issue of a new airport that accelerates the climate crisis.

View larger picture
 Citizens' action against the new airport, consisting of about 20 groups, is holding a rally at the Busan City Hall Square on the 25th to urge the withdrawal of the Special Act of Gadeokdo New Airport.

Citizens’ action against the new airport, consisting of about 20 groups, is holding a rally at the Busan City Hall Square on the 25th to urge the withdrawal of the Special Act of Gadeokdo New Airport.
Ⓒ Kim Bo-seong

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View larger picture
 Citizens' action against the new airport, consisting of about 20 groups, is holding a rally at the Busan City Hall Square on the 25th to urge the withdrawal of the Special Act of Gadeokdo New Airport.

Citizens’ action against the new airport, consisting of about 20 groups, is holding a rally at the Busan City Hall Square on the 25th to urge the withdrawal of the Special Act of Gadeokdo New Airport.
Ⓒ Kim Bo-seong

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View larger picture
 Citizens' action against the new airport, consisting of about 20 groups, is holding a rally at the Busan City Hall Square on the 25th to urge the withdrawal of the Special Act of Gadeokdo New Airport.

Citizens’ action against the new airport, consisting of about 20 groups, is holding a rally at the Busan City Hall Square on the 25th to urge the withdrawal of the Special Act of Gadeokdo New Airport.
Ⓒ Kim Bo-seong

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