I love you Apple·LG… Autonomous driving is getting hotter | Hankyung.com

Mando, up 10%, 3 years report
Uniquest is the highest price ever
Hyundai Mobis and Hanon Systems are also strong

Autonomous driving-related stocks surged all at once. The news that Apple is developing the self-driving car’Icar’ with the aim of launching it in 2024 was the aftermath of the 21st.

Mando finished the transaction at 59,000 won, up 10.07% on the 23rd. During the intraday, it surged to 63,000 won, raising the reported 3-year price. Mando is supplying Advanced Driving Assistance System (ADAS) products to Hyundai, Kia Motors and GM, a technology that allows cars to recognize situations that occur while driving to control machinery and help drivers. The automobile industry is evaluating ADAS as a core technology for autonomous vehicles. Mando’s ADAS sales share increased from 12% last year to 14.4% this year. Samsung Securities researcher Lim Eun-young analyzed that “the ADAS selection rate is over 80% for mid-sized cars and above,” and “it is becoming a necessity.”

The performance, which had been stagnant in the first half of the year due to Corona 19, has also entered a recovery trend from the third quarter. Next year’s sales are projected to increase by 16.6% to KRW 6.4242 trillion and operating profit to increase by 244.6% to KRW 316.2 billion.

Hyundai Mobis ended at 251,000 won, up 2.87%. It is an analysis that the autonomous driving capability has been strengthened by taking over the semiconductor and controller business of Hyundai Otron. Yoo Ji-woong, a researcher at Ebest Investment & Securities, said, “Up to now, Hyundai Mobis was in charge of hardware only by fusion of sensors composed of cameras, radars, and lidars, and most of the core chip and software design depended on the outside.” From now on, we have been able to design processors and chips directly within the group.”

Uniquest finished the transaction at 14,200 won, up 13.15%, and set a new record high. Its main business is non-memory semiconductors, but its subsidiary is promoting the vehicle control system (FMS) business using ADAS. FMS is a system that collects driving data and enhances efficiency using image storage and GPS functions. It can be applied to commercial vehicles and vehicle sharing businesses such as Uber. Lee So-jung, a researcher at SK Securities, predicted that “this year’s sales and operating profit will increase by 18% and 55%, respectively.”

In addition, Hanon Systems, which provides a thermal management system for automobiles, closed the deal at 16,150 won, up 5.56%. Motrex, which acquired the technology certification of Apple and Google’s autonomous driving infotainment platform, ended at 7110 won, up 8.38%.

Reporter Choi Ye-rin [email protected]

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