“I hope you will be hospitalized and be okay”… The late Big Jo, the last words delivered on the air

[이데일리 장구슬 기자] As hip-hop duo Holadang member Big Joe (real name Bulk Joseph) passed away at the age of 43, his last broadcast is drawing attention.

The late Big Joe (Photo = African TV video capture)

On December 16th, he posted on his African TV channel,’I’ll turn it on for a minute. I communicated with fans for about an hour through the video titled’I love you Big 3′.

At the time, Big Joe said, “Today is not long, but I’m going to broadcast it for a while.” “I am so grateful to everyone. I felt like I was hoping to receive a star balloon, so I honestly didn’t want to broadcast. It’s not absolutely that way, and I turned it on because I wanted to talk to you a little.”

“I am going to be hospitalized tomorrow, but there is no guarantee that I will be hospitalized,” he said. “But I will do it within a few days. I hope it will be okay after hospitalization.”

Big Joe said, “I’m sorry to keep showing you this,” and “I will turn on the broadcast again tomorrow.”

Big Joe died on the 6th at 6:20 pm while undergoing surgery to remove body inflammation at a hospital in Gimpo, Gyeonggi Province. The scheduled release date is 8th.

On December 27, YouTubers Hyeon-bae (left) and Um Sang-yong announced the current situation of Big Joe, who was in hospital treatment at the time. (Photo = YouTube channel’Um Sang-yong’ video capture)

Earlier on December 27, YouTubers Um Sam-yong and Hyun-bae announced the current situation of Big Joe, who was broadcasting together.

In a video titled’I’m going to tell you the news of Big Joe who is in hospital today’, Samyong and Hyunbae said that Big Joe is breathing through a tube through his neck because his oxygen level is low due to heart failure and diabetes.

They said, “Currently, heart failure and diabetes have low oxygen levels, so treatment is urgent.”

“I breathe using an oxygen respirator, but the oxygen supply is insufficient, so I pierced my neck and connected with a tube to breathe.” It was said that it was impossible to use it.”

Meanwhile, Big Joe, born to a Korean mother and an American father, debuted in 2008 with Holadang’s 1st album’Spotlight’. At that time, he drew attention with a weight of 250kg. Since then, Big Joe has lost about 100kg in 2013, but recently suffered a yo-yo phenomenon again and said that he has gained weight to 320kg.
