‘I don’t even have a house, but the interest on deposits is rat tail’… On the move to the Angry Money stock market

On the afternoon of the 15th, the Mirae Asset Daewoo Gangnam Station WM branch was crowded with visitors who were waiting for their turn or consulting for account opening.  Reporter Yeom Ji-hyun

On the afternoon of the 15th, the Mirae Asset Daewoo Gangnam Station WM branch was crowded with visitors who were waiting for their turn or consulting for account opening. Reporter Yeom Ji-hyun

“The interest on the deposit is only a rat tail, but the KOSPI index steadily rises. The only way for someone without’my home’ to make money is stocks.”

100 people waiting on the floor due to the booming stock market
House prices soar,’thunderbolt’ fear grows
Demand deposit withdrawal of 900 million won in 13 days
Personal money driven to the stock market, close to 100 trillion won

This is the story of a housewife, 36, who met at the entrance of Mirae Asset Daewoo Gangnam Station WM in Seocho-dong, Seoul on the 15th. Kim said, “I’m a stock beginner, but I decided to open a new stock account because buying Samsung Electronics or Hyundai Motor would be better than a 1-year term deposit with an interest rate in the 0% range.” In addition to Kim, the inside of the brokerage branch was crowded with customers who visited to open an account.

An official at the nearby Daishin Securities Gangnam-daero Center said, “As the stock market was booming, customer visits increased noticeably.”

9 trillion won'waiting funds' escaped from the 4 major banks for 13 days.  Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min minn@joongang.co.kr

9 trillion won’waiting funds’ escaped from the 4 major banks for 13 days. Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min [email protected]

Amid soaring real estate prices, stocks are rising even though there is no home, and’Angry Money’, tired of the crappy deposit interest, is turning to the stock market.

The rate of pissed money out of the bank is accelerating. The demand deposits of the four major commercial banks decreased by 9 trillion won in 13 days of the new year. According to the banking notes on the 17th, the balance of demand deposits of the four major banks, including KB Kookmin, Shinhan, Woori, and Hana Bank, was 489 trillion 28 billion won as of the 13th. It decreased by 8,732.5 billion won from the end of last year (497.76 trillion won).

Demand deposits are funds that can be deposited or withdrawn at any time instead of paying little interest, such as deposits by deposit and withdrawal and deposits with the market interest rate (MMDA). It is a representative figure of floating funds. Demand deposits increased by 92,7352 billion won (four major commercial banks) over the past year as a result of not finding a new investment destination. However, the analysis of banknotes is that the standby funds, which had remained in the banknotes, are starting to move to the stock market.

Underneath Angry Money is the fear of a “thunderbolt beggar (a person whose asset gap has widened without his knowledge)” and impatience due to “FOMO syndrome,” which says he should not be alienated from the bull market.

Mr. Yoon Mo (43), an office worker, said, “The number of housing subscriptions has fallen and apartment prices have risen like an attic,” he said. “I opened a stock account for the first time, as it seems to be a thunderbolt if I missed the stock market.” He said, “As soon as the stock market is adjusted, we plan to split the money saved to buy a house and invest in domestic and foreign stocks.” Some homeless people in their 30s to 40s open an account and start investing, saying, “I want to spend money on stock investments to buy a house.”

According to KB Real Estate, the average selling price of apartments in Seoul is 1,0429 billion KRW (as of December last year), exceeding 1 billion KRW. In one year (85.91 million won), it rose by 183.4 million won, 21.3%. The KOSPI index soared 19% in a month and a half from last month to the 15th. On the other hand, it is embarrassing to say that bank interest is a rat tail. According to the Bank of Korea, the weighted average of deposit rates in November last year was 0.9%, less than 1% per year.

An official from the banking sector said, “I cannot specify the flow of money because the money is not tagged, but (at consultation) interest in stock investment has grown. In particular, the interest is so small, The number of customers has increased.”

Funds focused on the real estate market are also flowing into the stock market. Kim Hak-gyun, head of the Research Center at Shinyoung Securities, said, “Recently, the price of a house in Seoul has risen too much and it has become difficult for ordinary workers to buy a house because of their salary. It is heading toward the market.”

Stock market'waiting fund' exceeded 70 trillion won.  Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min minn@joongang.co.kr

Stock market’waiting fund’ exceeded 70 trillion won. Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min [email protected]

Donghak ants, who led the domestic stock market’s uptrend last year, and money (Angry Money) that was properly upset by hovering around banks and real estate are rushing to’waiting money’, and the money that roams around the stock market continues to increase.

The investor’s deposit, which an investor put in a brokerage account to buy stock, exceeded 70 trillion won for the first time on the 11th. According to the Financial Investment Association, the investor’s deposit amounted to 70,139.6 billion won as of the 13th. In the 13 days since the beginning of the year, more than 4.6 trillion won was received.

During the same period, the amount of money (credit loans) that individuals borrowed from securities companies for stock investment increased by 1.758.6 billion won, and the total balance is 20.98 trillion won. In fact, only real ammunition (investment deposit + credit loan) that an individual can immediately put into the stock market reaches 90 trillion won, reaching 100 trillion won. It is equivalent to 20% of Samsung Electronics’ market cap (about 525 trillion won).

Not only that. In the first 15 months of this year, 2,588 negative bankbooks of the five major commercial banks were opened. Only the negative bank account balance increased by KRW 1.56.2 trillion. These funds are also estimated to be money that can flow into the stock market in case of emergency.

The'debt investment' made by borrowing money from securities companies also increased.  Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min minn@joongang.co.kr

The’debt investment’ made by borrowing money from securities companies also increased. Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min [email protected]

As money is rushing into the stock market, concerns are growing. Young-moo Cho, a researcher at the LG Economic Research Institute, said, “The liquidity is raising the index as the funds released in the market are overflowing,” he said. “As the stock market is overvalued and the gap with the real economy widens, the risk of a sharp adjustment has increased.”

“The stock market has risen sharply in a short period of time,” said Bin Ki-beom, a professor of economics at Myongji University. “In the stock market adjustment phase, the’debt investment (investing in debt)’ investors should not avoid excessive losses. You have to limit it.”

Reporters Ji-Hyun Yeom and Sang-Eon Yoon [email protected]
