“I didn’t know the land, and I took the damage to my wife”

Candidate Se-hoon Oh (left) and Mayor of Seoul City Mayor Ahn Chul-soo shake hands after finishing the unification vision presentation held at The Plus Studio in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul on the afternoon of the 15th. © News1 National Company Promotion Foundation

On the 16th, candidate Oh Se-hoon, the power of the people, by the mayor of Seoul, is expected to hit some of the damage by taking up his claim that the Roh Moo-hyun administration was trying to lift the green belt in Naegok-dong, owned by a controversial wife.

Earlier, Candidate Oh exerted influence during his tenure as the mayor, and criticized the passport that made Naegok-dong a residential district and gave profit to his wife’s household. Yen confronted that, as the National Rental Housing Act changed its name to the Bogeumjari Housing Act, it was only required to go through the procedure for name change on the document.

However, on the 15th, KBS pointed out that “the Roh Moo-hyun administration did not designate the area of ​​Naegok-dong as a planned housing site development district,” and that candidate Oh’s argument was wrong.

Then, on the 16th, Candidate Oh said, “There was confusion without checking the official documents at the time.” In March 2006, Mayor Lee Myung-bak proposed the designation of the district to the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. It is said that it was not designated at the time due to some controversy.”

△ Candidate Oh said △ The land in Naegok-dong, which was the problem, was a place where my wife and family members inherited from the death of a father-in-law in 1970 and owned it for a long time. When it was incorporated into the Bogeumjari housing district of the Lee Myung-bak administration, the city of Seoul maintained the existing position that it was only a neat administrative procedure, and that was also a matter for the head of the housing bureau.

In addition, Candidate Oh stressed, “The land is accepted by public institutions, but if you have suffered damage, it is not common sense to see huge gains,” he said. “The wife-in-law was the mayor, so he took the damage.”

Candidate Oh warned, “I did not know the existence and location of the land at the time, and I do not know the location even now.”

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