I didn’t know the entertainment bar Yu-no Yun-ho, despite the active clarification, integrated the advertising industry’s stop loss

It turned out that the business was caught illegally even 3 months ago.
Check employment of female hospitality workers 3 months ago

TVXQ's Yuno Yunho is greeting after leaving the broadcasting station after completing SBS Radio Power FM'Kim Young-cheol's Power FM' held at SBS in Mok-dong, Seoul on the morning of January 28. Photo = News 1

TVXQ’s Yuno Yunho is greeting after leaving the broadcasting station after completing SBS Radio Power FM’Kim Young-cheol’s Power FM’ held at SBS in Mok-dong, Seoul on the morning of January 28. Photo = News 1

Group TVXQ’s member Yunho Yunho (real name: Yoonho Jeong) broke the guidelines for the second step of social distancing in the metropolitan area due to the spread of a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), and was known to have drank alcohol until after 10pm, causing controversy.

In particular, as the fact that the business was an illegal entertainment bar became known late, some companies deleted advertisements featuring Yunho Yunho.

As of the 14th, the picture of Yunho Yunho previously posted on the main screen of the delivery app Yogiyo has disappeared. As various suspicions about Yunho Yunho were reported, Yogiyo seems to have put out related advertisements.

Earlier, SM Entertainment actively refuted, “It is an obvious mistake that Yunho did not follow the quarantine rules, and although he is deeply reflecting on himself, he never did anything wrong except violating the quarantine rules.”

SM said about the situation at the time, “Yunho Yunho only went to the place where a friend told him to come after receiving a call from a friend who wanted to consult with concerns, and it was the first place he visited.” “There was no fact that they were present at all. At the time of the crackdown, there were only managers for payment, not female employees,” he explained.

Regarding the suspicion that he tried to escape, he said, “Yun-ho did not attempt to escape at the time of the crackdown. Rather, he cooperated sincerely in the execution of public affairs by the police and related public officials, and he was immediately taken home after identification at the scene.”

Regarding the struggles of acquaintances, he refuted, “Some of the friends who did not recognize that they were police officers were confused and protested in a situation where a dozen plainclothes police suddenly came in and cracked down, but this happened regardless of Yunho Yunho.”

However, the business that Yunho Yunho visited is known as a place that is operated by membership system. This is why Yunho’s claim that he visited for the first time that day is suspected.

It is known that the establishment was once caught by the police as an illegal entertainment bar just three months ago.

On December 15 last year, the business was registered as a Korean restaurant and was secretly opened by the police. In December of last year, due to the spread of Corona 19, entertainment bars were banned, but general restaurants were allowed to open until 9 pm.

At that time, the police charged one business owner, 17 employees, including the hospitality department, and 7 customers for violating the Infectious Disease Prevention Act and the Food Sanitation Act.

However, three months ago, the employment of the hospitality department was confirmed at the business, but this time, the presence or absence of the hospitality department was not confirmed. In addition, it has not been confirmed that the manager of the business in the past and the manager of the business caught this time are the same person.

Previously, MBC said, “Yuno Yoon-ho drank with a female employee in an illegal entertainment establishment until around midnight. It is not known how many female employees there were. His acquaintances struggled with the police to help Yun-ho escape when the police hit around midnight,” said MBC. And Yunho Yunho tried to escape. When the struggle intensified, it even came up with a word that he would handcuff it.”

Reporter Kim Myung-il, Hankyung.com [email protected]
