“I couldn’t even repair the river in the neighborhood”… Even the lawmakers were ashamed of the’Gadeokdo Special Law’

“It’s the first time I’ve ever seen such a stupid bill.” “No matter how urgent, this law of rush…” “This is a matter of the prestige of the National Assembly.”

With the cooperation of the opposition parties, the’Busan Gadeokdo New Airport Special Bill’ passed a general meeting with the National Assembly’s National Land Transportation Committee subcommittee last week. It was confirmed on the 23rd that the ruling and opposition lawmakers of the National Land Commission, who received the’command’ from the ruling and opposition leadership, dealt with the bill as a rush. This is the result of the Hankook Ilbo obtained and analyzed the minutes of the so-called National Land Commission and the plenary meeting on the 17th and 19th, which discussed the special bill.

“How is this law… ”So-called National Land Commission, sighing over sighs

Park In-young (from the fourth from left), Kim Young-chun, and Byeon Seong-wan, together with the Democratic Party’s Busan Mayor, are shouting slogans at a joint press conference of the Busan Metropolitan City Mayor of the Democratic Party to pass the Special Act of Gadeokdo New Airport held in front of the main office of the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 19th. Newsis

On the 17th of this month when the special bill of Gadeok Island was first discussed, the so-called National Land Commission. The so-called party lawmakers lamented. The core of the special bill initiated by the opposition parties in November last year, saying, “We will open a new airport on Gadeok Island before the 2030 Busan World Expo,” is exemption from various pre-procedures. The airport starts construction after ① confirming the sketch of the location and project cost (pre-feasibility study), ② considering the economical and balanced development effect (preliminary feasibility study), and ③ basic and detailed design. The special law included a package special clause that allowed the procedure to be bypassed. It is literally a’special’ corporation.

The’confession of conscience’ was opened by Democratic Party lawmaker Cho Eung-cheon. According to the meeting records, he said, “Even if this law is passed, no one knows where, in what form, and how (how to build) the airport. But what do you make if you excuse (investigation)?I said. Rep. Song Eon-seok of the People’s PowerAlmighty (almighty) law”It was also called.

Started construction before design? “Neighborhood rivers don’t do that.”

People’s Strength Kim Jong-in, head of the Emergency Response Committee, visits the Gadeok Island Counter Observation Deck in Gangseo-gu, Busan on the morning of the 1st, and signs a sign that says Gadeokdo New Airport with prospective candidates for the Busan Mayor, and takes a commemorative photo. Chairman Kim announced that he visited Busan on this day to actively support the’Gadeokdo New Airport’ project. yunhap news

The provisions of the detailed design special provisions were also flawed. Rep. Cho Eung-cheon “Before the final design comes out, do the construction first? I don’t do that even when I try to improve the rivers in my neighborhood.”He hit it directly. Congressman Ha Young-je “No matter how urgent, has this quick law come out?”And “The problem of the prestige of us (members of the National Assembly)”Said.

The second Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Son Myung-soo, who attended the ensign also helped. he is “How to do construction without design”And “Even if we keep in mind the parallel of design and construction, it is a matter of the technical business promotion process, and it is contradictory in the law (with special cases)”Said. None of the 9 lawmakers (5 Democrats + 4 people’s power) who attended the so-called meeting on this day made a different voice than this.

Regardless of the opposition, the lawmakers were’existent and wholehearted’. Rep. Cho abruptly discusses the provision of exemption from preliminary investigation “I’m not talking about this now, but (my) everything is rotten”And vomited. It is written in the minutes of the meeting that when Rep. Song Eon-Seok greeted me, “How are you talking about me?”

The ruling and opposition leaders professed “the handling of the provisional parliamentary assembly in February under the Gadeokdo Special Law,” but the so-called members of the lawmakers were different. On the 17th, the so-called’pre-tapping exemption’ and other special provisions were removed.

‘Original bill’ was eventually processed by the leadership pressure… Sang-Jung Shim “It’s the first time I’ve ever seen such an amazing method”

A bird’s-eye view of Gadeokdo new airport. Hankook Ilbo data photo

However, the lawmakers could not do as they wish. Ahead of the Busan mayor’s by-election, the Democratic Party’s leadership, worried about the public sentiment of Busan, pressed the’pass of the original bill’. On the 19th, in the so-called Democratic Party, Congressman Jin Seong-joon said, “I hope we will do as the original plan.” On the 17th, he said “I agree” to the deletion of the exemption clause, but changed his position. Rep. Cho Eung-cheon was also said to persuade Rep. Song Eon-suk who opposes the exemption from pre-ta. Eventually, the ruling and opposition lawmakers revived the so-called waiver clause on the 19th and handed it over to the plenary session.

At the plenary meeting on the 19th, Justice Party lawmaker Shim Sang-jeong strongly opposed. “As a member of the National Assembly four times, I have seen a lot of unfamiliar bills pass, and I have seen many pledges of good faith. However, it is the first time I have seen such a wonderful method. There is no precedent in procedure, there is no precedent in reclaiming the sea in the world and building it in the open sea, and there is no precedent in constructing a runway in the differential subsidence section. It’s not the ticketing airport that pushes forward without asking or asking anything like this.” However, Rep. Shim alone couldn’t beat the huge two parties. The bill was decided at the plenary meeting as it was in fact the original.

Joonseok Park reporter

Jo So-jin reporter

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