I can’t live without my 3rd aunt… Consumer Report by Park Dong-hui, the congestion of home appliances with explosive sales volume

Photo = Getty Image Bank

Photo = Getty Image Bank

It is said that among housewives these days, it is said that’I cannot live without my three aunts’. Housewives are relieved of stress with’small luxuries’ as household chores increase due to children who do not go to school and husbands working from home. ‘Three aunts’ are dishwashers, food waste disposal machines, and robot cleaners.

This January (1~26), we surveyed the sales of these three housekeepers. It is the level of explosion. This is thanks to the reinforcement of’Zipcock Mode’ by banning meetings with more than 5 people. At Hi Mart, sales of food waste treatment machines in January this year jumped 800% compared to the same period last year. According to the statistics for the previous year, it sold 700% more than the previous year. Even considering the base effect, it is a significant growth.

Dishwasher sales also increased by 95% in January. Robot vacuum cleaner sales increased by 51% in January and 65% in the past year. The same is true for E-Mart. In January this year, sales growth of dishwashers and exclusive detergents reached 246.5% and 562.4%, respectively, compared to the same period last year. Food waste disposer sales also increased by 155.6%.

Among the’three aunts’, the oldest invention is the dishwasher. Josephine Garris Cochrane (Josephine Garis CochraneAn American woman named) patented it on December 28, 1886. It is said that this kind of newspaper came out of the idea of ​​preventing the servants from frequently waking up when washing their precious teacups. Just 10 years ago, I remember the days when Korean apartments were proudly promoting cooking spaces with built-in dishwashers when they were sold. Then, as the income level rose and the eating out culture settled, the dishwasher trend had waned, and the Konora 19 brought back the fire.

The food waste disposal machine was first invented in Korea in 1998. It is said that it started selling in earnest in 2002. Looking up past articles, the market size was around 300 billion won in the mid-2000s. It is said that manufacturers are mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, so the market has not exploded. The robot cleaner was first developed in 2001 by Electrolux of the United States.

Corona 19 is changing many things in our lives. Keeping pace with this, the pace of change in industrial trends is steeper than ever. Among them, the IT conversion of housework seems to have become an irreversible trend. The task of a robot dedicated to household chores from cleaning the floor to washing the dishes and disposing of food may soon come. If liberation from domestic work is really a shortcut to overcoming low birth rates and protecting family peace, would it be tremendous?

Reporter Park Donghui [email protected]

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