I ate home rice like that, but rice consumption per person declined, so

Rice consumption is hitting a record low every year, but rice prices have jumped significantly due to the summer rainy season and typhoons.  According to the Korea Agricultural and Fishery Food Distribution Corporation (aT) agricultural product distribution information, as of the 28th, the price of rice (20kg, general) was 59968 won, up 16% from 51681 won.  The photo shows a rice stand in a hypermarket in Seoul on the 12th. [사진 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanationRice consumption is hitting a record low every year, but rice prices have jumped significantly due to the summer rainy season and typhoons. According to the Korea Agricultural and Fishery Food Distribution Corporation (aT) agricultural product distribution information, as of the 28th, the price of rice (20kg, general) was 59968 won, up 16% from 51681 won. The photo shows a rice stand in a hypermarket in Seoul on the 12th. [사진 = 연합뉴스]

Despite the significant increase in consumption of `home meal` last year due to social distancing, the amount of rice consumption hit a record low once again. Compared to 30 years ago, grain consumption per person has been cut by half.

On the 28th, the National Statistical Office announced that last year, per capita grain consumption was 66.3kg, a 1.6% decrease from the previous year. Grain consumption is the sum of consumption of rice and other grains. Estimated rice consumption alone is 57.7 kg, down 1.5 kg from the previous year.

The annual grain consumption per capita reached the highest in 1981 at 159.8 kg, and then went downhill. Compared to the consumption of 130.5kg in 1990, 30 years ago, it has decreased by half.

The main reason for the decline in grain consumption is a decrease in rice consumption. Last year, annual rice consumption per capita recorded less than 60kg for the second time after 2019. Rice consumption in 2019 was 59.2 kg, but in 2020, an additional 1.5 kg decreased to 57.7 kg. It is the lowest consumption ever. Accordingly, the consumption of rice per person per day also decreased by 2.5% from the previous year to 158g.

The reason for the decrease in rice consumption is that even though the number of’homebap’ has increased significantly, the consumption of rice in the manufacturing sector decreased as eating out decreased. Rice consumption in the food and beverage manufacturing sector was 650,000 tons, down 12.6% from the previous year. Among them, rice used to make takju, yakju, and alcoholic beverages decreased by 14.4% from 250,000 tons in 2020 to 210,000 tons in 2020, as alcohol consumption decreased due to business bans after 9 p.m. In addition to this, it seems that the impact of the reduction in fixed rice consumers due to the suspension of school meals was also significant.

In the midst of this, rice prices have risen significantly due to the summer rainy season and typhoons. According to the Korea Agricultural and Fishery Food Distribution Corporation (aT) agricultural product distribution information, as of the 28th, the price of rice (20kg, general) was 59968 won, up 16% from 51681 won.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is planning to adjust the amount of rice supply in consideration of the decline in rice consumption. An official from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food said, “We will induce pear cultivation at an appropriate level, while expanding the basis for rice consumption by improving eating habits and fostering the processing industry.”

[송민근 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
