“I apologized for admitting wrong”… Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young, this time, petition for’severe punishment’

[사진출처 = MK스포츠]

picture explanation[사진출처 = MK스포츠]

A petition from the Blue House to the extermination of Lee Jae-young and Da-young Lee of Heungkuk Life’s female professional volleyball player, who was caught in controversy over school violence, appeared.

On the 10th, the Cheongwadae public petition bulletin board posted a petition titled’I urge you to clarify the facts of female volleyball player school violence and respond strictly to it.’

Petitioner said, “As a citizen of Korea, I can no longer watch violence and crimes in the sports field, so I made a petition.” Criticized, “There is no investigation or disciplinary action.”

Cheong Won-in emphasized, “This is not just a matter of individuals, but a matter of trust and morality in the Korean sports world.”

He said, “Baseball teams and associations also took strong measures against players who were recently exposed to school violence.”

He also stressed that “a national investigation through the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is necessary,” he said. “Proper investigation and severe punishment are the only ways to prevent the same problem from occurring.”

Earlier, a netizen disclosed a group photo that had been active as a volleyball team in elementary and junior high school with them on portal sites and communities and said, “I want to receive a sincere apology from the perpetrators.”

He added, “There are a total of 4 victims who are uncovering now, and there are more victims excluding these people. I will be comprehensively less likely to reveal their personal information,” he listed about 20 cases of damage.

Accordingly, the twin sisters of Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young admitted and apologized.

They posted an apology on their Instagram account on the 10th and said, “I apologize with my head bowing,” saying, “I have hurt many people because of the irresponsible actions I did in the past.

Lee Jae-young wrote, “I am very sorry for those who have spent time suffering due to my wrong words and actions.” “If my friends who would have suffered because of me now accept it, I will see you in person, admit my fault, and apologize.”

Lee Da-young also wrote, “I deeply apologize for making words and actions to my colleagues who worked out sweating and working out with a young heart to have difficult memories and scars.”

The two players’ club, Heungkuk Life Insurance Pink Spiders, also expressed their apology.

Netizens who first exposed this said that it was “empty” and “confirmed that an apology has been posted.” At the same time, he advised, “The ten years of writing alone are not forgotten and forgiven.” He also said, “I hope that I will live by reflecting on the past while living in the future.”

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
