“Hyunta” in the savings interest rate…I’m only behind me” Reasons for buying 3040th generation Samsung Electronics

KOSPI index closed down

picture explanationKOSPI index closed down

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Securities Team = “Seeing the savings rate,’Hyunta’ (short term for Reality Awareness Time) has come. I am putting 1 million to 2 million won in monthly salary in stocks. I think it will be difficult to endure emotionally when I see a loss, so only stable large companies such as Samsung Electronics. I am investing”

“When I hear that I have made some stocks around me, I only sigh. I bury 10 million won in the recommended large company and try to make a long-term investment even if there is a loss. The fund recommended by a bank, but I do not have a good memory. “(Mr. Park, a housewife in her 40s)

Even in the new year, private investments are flowing into the stock market, and the investment behavior of individual investors is showing a different look than that of the past’ants’.

In the past, it was regarded as a representative investment behavior of individuals to bet on the direction of the index by buying and selling leveraged listed index funds (ETFs) or’Kubbus’ (inverse leveraged ETFs) or hoping for short-term gains by riding on the theme stock.

KOSPI exceeded 3,000 during the day

picture explanationKOSPI exceeded 3,000 during the day

However, experts say that the behavior of the so-called’donghak ant’ after the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) is different from that of the ants of the past.

Nam-ki Kim, head of ETF Management Division, Mirae Asset Asset Management said, “I was recognized because I worked hard at the company, but when I didn’t buy a house, I became a beggar in an instant. said.

He said, “Individuals who have entered the stock market in recent years are generally cautious people.”

Despite the controversy over the stock market, the reason why individuals continue to buy stocks mainly from innovative companies with high growth potential is because they have long-term investment in mind.

Kwon Mo (33) said, “The stock market keeps coming out on the news and there are a lot of investment stories on YouTube, so I opened a stock account for the first time last year. The deposit interest rate is too low. One of the reasons is that the deposit rate is too low. “I’m slang) I’m increasing the amount of investment little by little with overtime expenses.”

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However, there are still concerns about the so-called `debt investment` that individuals invest in their stocks.

As of the 5th, the money that individual investors borrowed from securities companies for stock investment (credit loan balance) reached a record high of 19.62 trillion won. It is more than double the level of 9 trillion won a year ago, and it continues to increase and is about to break through 20 trillion won.

However, in order not to fall behind even if there is a debt, the atmosphere is that there is no other alternative than stocks.

Song Mo, 36, said, “I opened a negative bankbook in November before the credit regulation was strengthened. I recently started investing in stocks because it was impossible to buy a house with that money. I am worried that the stock market and the economy will collapse. , Because we invested mainly in high-quality stocks, we are looking forward to it from a long-term perspective,” he said.

The so-called ‘FOMO (fearing to be alienated from the bull market) syndrome’ is causing a continuous inflow of personal funds even in a situation where the gap between the real economy and the financial market has grown.

Kyobo Securities Research Center head Kim Hyung-ryul said, “In a situation where both jobs and the future are uncertain, we are investing in the mind that we must protect our assets from falling currency value. This is also due to the fact that real estate does not fall and stock prices rise despite strict regulations.” Said.


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