Hyunjin Ryu, when and with whom will the next game be played? [캠프라이브]

Maekyung.com MK Sports (Lakeland, USA) Correspondent Kim Jae-ho

The Toronto Blue Jays left-hander Hyun-jin Ryu, who finished the third match safely, who is the next opponent?

Ryu Hyun-jin made a striking start at the Detroit Tigers and Grapefruit League away games held at the Public Fields at Joker Merchant Stadium on the 16th (hereinafter Korean time), 4 innings, 2 hits, and 4 strikeouts.

He prepared to pitch 4 innings and 60 pitches that day, finished 4 innings with 49 balls, and threw 15 more balls from the bullpen. In the next game, he will prepare pitching at the level of 75 pitches in 5 innings.

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What will be the schedule for Ryu Hyun-jin’s next start? Photo = Courtesy of Toronto Blue Jays When will the next pitch be played? The 19th is a rest day in Toronto. If you take this rest day and throw it after a 5th break, it will come out on the 22nd, and if you come out after a 4th break like this one, you will come out on the 21st. Toronto will have an away game against the Philadelphia Phillies on the 21st, and a home game against the New York Yankees on the 22nd.

In this regard, coach Charlie Monteyo said, “I will see the status tomorrow and announce it later.”

One strong point is that it is unlikely that he will be in the home game against the Yankees on the 22nd. Toronto will play 19 times this season with the Yankees, including the opening series. It’s a team that’s going to be a lot during the season, so it’s not necessary to show the team’s ace in advance in the demonstration game.

In the previous Yankees game, Toronto also started pitching unfamiliar pitchers such as Anthony K, Simeon Woods Richardson, and Alec Manoa. If Ryu Hyun-jin decides to take another day off and start on the 22nd, there is a possibility that the Yankees and the main game will be avoided and replaced with their own blue-back match.

“If I can, I will avoid it, but if I can’t find a way, I will face it,” said Montoyo. “The good thing is, there are 75 players in the camp, so it’s not difficult to play a simulation game,” he added. [email protected]

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