‘Hyun Joo-yeop why me because of the suspicion of abusing… ‘I don’t remember Seo Jang-hoon

Jang-Hoon Seo/Yonhap News, a former basketball player

Seo Jang-hoon opened his mouth on the controversy while Hyun Joo-yeop, a former basketball player, said that he would counteract the allegations of’school violence’ surrounding him and take legal action.

In an interview with Sports Chosun on the 16th, Seo Jang-hoon was asked, “Have you ever heard rumors related to Hyun Joo-yeop’s assault?”

In the meantime, Seo Jang-hoon told the situation, “Because I started playing basketball late, I was busy covering my face.” There were also fewer opportunities,” he said.

Seo Jang-hoon said that he did not know Mr. A, who raised the suspicion of’Hyun Joo-yeop’.

In addition, Seo Jang-hoon said, “It was the first time I knew it through the press, but I was surprised,” and said, “I knew this time that Hyun Joo-yeop was the captain after I graduated. It is so unbelievable that I am still confused.”

Hyeon Joo-yeop, a former basketball player/Photo = KBS 2TV’Captured by KBS 2TV’The boss’s ears are the ears of a donkey’

In addition to this, Seo Jang-hoon said, “Hyun Joo-yeop’s family was great.” At that time, the parents took turns leaving the children of the players entirely to the teacher, except for the occasional dinner of meat to the players, and there was an atmosphere where they could not dare to interfere.

Seo Jang-hoon also said about the recent suspicion of academia in sports, “I am worried that people will lose interest in sports because these things keep happening.” If there is a misunderstanding of the liver, I hope that it will be resolved as soon as possible.”

On the 15th, on the YouTube channel’foot-and-mouth disease’, Mr. A, who claims to be a victim of school violence by Hyun Joo-yeop, came out and said, “I hope Jang Hoon (Seo) will come forward and talk to him.”

He said, “There were some players who quit basketball (because of Hyun Joo-yeop) because they were beaten by Hyun Joo-yeop as a chess board in high school. It was a situation.”

On the other hand, Hyun Joo-yup, who stood at the center of the controversy over the suspicion of academia, said, “It is a malicious shame.”

/ Reporter Kim Kyung-hoon [email protected]

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