Hyun Joo-yeop University junior refutes controversy over school violence “Senior who has never swung a fist”

Hyun Joo-yeop, a former basketball player, was surrounded by suspicion of school violence, and Mr. A, a junior at the Korea University basketball club, gave a testimony to refute this.

Photo = Yonhap News

On the 15th, Mr. A said in an interview with the JoongAng Ilbo, “At that time, there was a culture of coercion and violence overall in the sports world.

Regarding the claim that Hyun Joo-yeop has juniors in the brothel, he explained, “Hyun Joo-yup has been a famous player since high school. There was no reason to go to the brothel and make controversy.

Mr. A also said that he knows who wrote the comment that he called Hyun Joo-yeop’Hyeonsan-gun’. He said, “At the time, he had so many accidents that I thought about quitting sports and hit him. But the current senior never hit him either.”

“Hyun Joo-yeop’s mother was warm enough to take care of me and my classmates from other places at each meeting and provide food. The author used the common point that his parents were from the national team and took advantage of the common point that his parents were from the national team. It looks like you’re trying to do it,” he said.

Earlier on the 14th, an online community posted an article titled’The Truth about the Hakkeok of Mr. H, the best basketball player of the day’. The publisher claimed that H had assaulted his juniors, extorted snacks, and even visited prostitution establishments in high school.

Hyeon Joo-yeop, who was later designated as H, implied that he would respond strongly, saying, “As a captain at the time, he gave nerds to his juniors, but there was absolutely no personal violence.”

Reporter Jang Min-soo [email protected]

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