Hyun Joo-yeop, “I was nerdy, but there was no personal violence.”

Photo = Yonhap News

Hyun Joo-yeop, a former basketball player, strongly denied the suspicion of abusing.

On the 14th, Hyun Joo-yeop said, “Most of the disclosures are not true. “The words I made up maliciously to create the image of being violent.”

He said, “It was true that the discipline was strict with all athletes at the time, and because I was the captain, there was a thing that gave my juniors a bite. I sincerely apologize,” he stressed, “There was never any personal violence.”

He said, “I think that there should not be more unjust victims through malicious intimidation, so I am trying to find out the truth by asking an investigative agency.”

Lastly, he stressed that “according to the results of the investigation, I will strictly ask for civil and criminal responsibilities,” he stressed.

Earlier on this day, a revelation article titled’The Truth about the Hakkeok of Mr. H, the best basketball player of the day’ appeared in the online community.

Author A, who claims to be a junior who worked at the same school as Hyun Joo-yeop, said, “I was living forgotten because it was too old, but these days, the controversy over school violence is growing and it seems to be an issue, so I will disclose it.” Left.

Mr. A even revealed photos of the listing from his middle school days, saying he would prove he was a junior of H. Hyun Joo-yeop claimed that he had physically violated his juniors and asked for an apology and getting off the broadcast.

Meanwhile, Hyun Joo-yeop is playing an active part in KBS 2TV’The boss’s ears are donkey ears’, JTBC’s’Combine to shoot’, and YouTube channel’Mook Boss’. It is said that the broadcasters and program officials in which Hyun Joo-yeop appears are in a position to observe the progress of this controversy.

Reporter Yoon Jong Han [email protected]

<아래는 현주엽의 SNS 입장 전문>

Hi. This is Hyun Joo-yeop.

The revelator was summoned to the present, from 30 years in middle school and 27 years ago when he was in college. It’s ridiculous in itself to expose facts that are too different from the truths that aren’t there in a way that weaves and binds multiple memories.

In retrospect, it is true that when I was a child, I also received group sports frequently, and at that time, not only basketball, but also all athletes, the discipline was strict.

Since I was the captain at the time, there was a case of giving to my juniors. When I think about it now, I feel very sorry and sorry for my juniors at that time. Taking this opportunity, I sincerely apologize.

However, there was never any personal violence.

Most of what Mr. K revealed through the media is also not true. I think these are words that I made up maliciously to create the image of being violent.

It seems like you are thinking that if you put it out like a concrete fact, even if it is a lie, people will believe it.

Some of the people around me ask you to clarify in detail, while others advise against responding to these malicious writings because people will not believe them even if they clarify them in detail.

However, in order to preserve my faith in my family members who will be hurt by this incident and those who believe in me, and again, I thought that unjust victims should no longer occur through such malicious conspiracies, and asked an investigative agency to find out the truth. Do it.

In the future, we would like to uncover the truth through strict investigations by investigative agencies, so we sincerely ask you to write deliberately rather than malicious reports based on speculation.

In addition, according to the results of the investigation, it is also revealed that we will strictly hold civil and criminal responsibilities.

Hyun Joo-yeop uploaded

[ⓒ 세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
