Hyeon Joo-yeop’s testimony of his high school partner, “A friend who stopped deviating”… Actively refuted allegations of abuse

Photo = Yonhap News

Hyun Joo-yeop, a broadcaster from basketball player Hyun Joo-yeop’s high school best friend appeared in the midst of suspicions of violence at school in the past, saying, “Hyun Joo-yeop was a friend who stopped his friends from deviating.”

According to sports trends on the 17th, Hyun Joo-yeop and Hwimoon High School alumni, and Kim Mo, who was a partner in his second and third grade in high school, testified that “Hyun Joo-yeop was a friend who first stepped up and dried up when his friends tried to deviate.”

Mr. Kim said, “The basketball team participated in the exercise after the morning class. So, there were many opportunities to hang out with my classmates, but Hyun Joo-yeop was so big that there was no friend who fought first. That doesn’t mean I’ve ever bothered my friends.”

“When I had time, I taught my friends to play basketball, and I often invited them to the indoor gym where I played. Also, on the day he won, he brought his friends and bought him delicious food.”

In particular, Mr. Kim said that Hyun Joo-yeop first made his friends’ deviances and dried them. When my friends tried to make a small deviation, I went ahead and dried it.”

Regarding the suspicion of assaulting juniors in the basketball club, Kim said, “I had many friends who followed Hyun Joo-yeop in high school. The reason is not because of overpowering with force, but because of the charismatic leadership.”

He also said, “At the time, there was no such thing as the athletic team, but the other athletic departments on campus were more severe. If there had been an incident, the whole school student would have known, but there was no controversy. It is a pity that the suspicion that he did not even bite the tail on the tail is raised. I hope that the misunderstanding can be resolved as soon as possible.”

Earlier, the suspicion of Hyun Joo-yeop’s school violence was raised through the online community on the 14th.

Hyeon Joo-yeop said, “It is a malicious shame,” and said, “As a captain, I sincerely apologize for giving nerds to my juniors, but there was absolutely no personal violence.”

However, the first revealer’s motive in the high school basketball team appeared on the YouTube channel’Foot-Jean Station’ and asked, “Hyun Joo-yeop had a friend who struck his head with a chess board in his first year of high school.” Controversy ensued.

In response, Seo Jang-hoon said, “I did not see anything in person. I am careful to say something about things I haven’t even witnessed.” I know it’s not even a basketball club, but I don’t know why it’s all over me.”

Reporter Yoon Jong Han [email protected]

[ⓒ 세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
